For Immediate Release | February 21, 2025
Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position
The Lake County Judicial Nominating Commission announced five finalists to fill a vacancy created by the appointment of Judge Stephen Scheele to the Indiana Court of Appeals.
- Referee Daniel Burke, Jr.
- Magistrate Katherine Garza
- Natasha Ivancevich
- Angela Marie Jones
- Magistrate Shaun Olsen
On February 21, the commission, which is chaired by Supreme Court Justice Mark Massa, interviewed five candidates. After deliberating, the commission publicly voted to send the five finalists to the governor. According to Indiana law, the commission is required to submit to the governor “the five most highly qualified candidates” for appointment when a vacancy arises. Upon receiving the list, Governor Braun has 60 days in which to make an appointment to the Lake Superior Court. Details on the commission, including membership, are online.
Kathryn Dolan, Chief Public Information Officer