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Best Practices Standards & Resources


  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) Recommended Practices
  • Center for Internet Security - Critical Security Controls
  • Cyber Security Evaluation Tool (CSET) - Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
  • CISA Develops Factsheet for FREE Tools for Cloud Environments - CISA recently published a factsheet to help businesses transitioning into a cloud environment identify proper tools and techniques necessary for the protection of critical assets and data security.
  • Developed by members of the Indiana Executive Council on Cybersecurity's (IECC) Finance Committee, Information Security Tips 2023 is a ready-to-use training guide for Indiana businesses, interested in protecting their organization's critical systems. The recommended strategies and best practices -- as outlined in the materials -- were developed by cybersecurity and information security professionals, experienced through their work in state government, as well as the private sector with financial institutions, including banks and credit unions, from across Indiana.
  • NEW! State of Hoosier Cybersecurity 2025 - Cyberattacks have become a widespread challenge for organizations across Indiana and no sector has been immune to digital threats. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of these risks, the Legal and Insurance Working Group of the Indiana Executive Council on Cybersecurity partnered with researchers from Indiana University and the University of Arizona to conduct an in-depth study to help explore how Indiana organizations perceive and manage cyber risks.
  • Cyber Sharing Maturity Model - Developed by members of the Indiana Executive Council on Cybersecurity's (IECC) Cyber Awareness and Sharing Working Group, the Cyber Sharing Maturity Model is designed to guide businesses and organizations, as well as local government agencies and departments, and school districts to gain a greater understanding of their cybersecurity and IT policies and best practices as a solution for protecting their data and critical systems. It's FREE to download, and easy to use with timely recommendations from a variety of trusted resources. Try it today!
  • This newly updated Cybersecurity for Local Government 2.0 Guidebook is designed to help local government officials and employees gain a better understanding for why cybersecurity is important, and it features an easy-to-understand and FREE-to-download guide for helping your staff, department or agency stay better protected when it comes to handling cyber threats.