Thursday, October 1, 2020
Blog topics:
By Chetrice Mosley-Romero
Happy Cybersecurity Awareness Month!
Cybersecurity is in every aspect of our daily lives. And, just as technology moves all of us forward, cybersecurity insulates us -- protecting our identities, our personal data, and our accounts; everything from social media to banking, credit cards, and more. In Indiana, cybersecurity is an important public service provided to all citizens -- throughout every agency -- and the State is continuing in its commitment to utilize its resources to provide a strong and resilient network and to prepare and defend against cybersecurity events.
Beginning today, Indiana Cyber Hub is a blog you'll want to add to your reading list for the latest cyber trends, tips, and resources to help you, whether you're at work, at school, or at home, with advice from experts, including guest bloggers, whose collective knowledge is drawn from all industries and backgrounds. The purpose of the blog is to help every Hoosier build on their understanding about cybersecurity, how to protect yourself from cyberattacks, and to check out the latest tips and trends, especially at a time in which the "new normal" is changing our habits when we are online. Want more? Keep coming back to our Cyber Hub Page at Our site is filled with cybersecurity information for Business, Government, and Education, everything from information on keeping yourself protected and what you should do if you're a victim of identity theft to assessing yourself on what you know about cybersecurity. Also, find us on Twitter or visit our Facebook page. You can subscribe to our blog HERE.