Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Blog topics:
By Chetrice Mosley-Romero
Today, we celebrate #NationalTechnologyDay!
Established in 2016, #NationalTechnologyDay recognizes the way technology changes our world, and it honors the achievements, made through time, that have an impact on our daily lives.
After all, we use products that are designed and manufactured using the latest technologies. In turn, these advancements enable us to do everything from keeping us organized while using our smartphones to monitoring the control systems in our vehicles that we rely on to safely drive down the road to work or take our kids to school.
And just as technology connects us and keeps us safe and healthy through the products we use, cybersecurity refers to the "...body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, and programs, as well as our personal and financial data from an attack, damage or unauthorized access.
As we begin a New Year, there are lots of opportunities to celebrate our cyber technology successes and it starts, simply, by our continuing to follow (as we've done all through the Pandemic) recommended best practices, as suggested by CISA (U.S. Cybersecurity Infrastructure & Security Agency).
- Keep your software up to date
- Run up-to-date antivirus software
- Use strong passwords
- Change default usernames and passwords
- Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA)
- Install a firewall
At a time when, seemingly, everything we do online relies on computers and our internet access, including our ability to communicate, entertainment, transportation, shopping, even our medications, it's a reason to use technology to protect ourselves and experience peace of mind that comes from knowing that we are safe and secure.
For other helpful tips and resources about ways, you can use technology at home, at work, or at school, visit our Cybersecurity Hub Page. Check out our "Days of Our Cyber Lives" podcast or follow us on social media on Twitter or visit our Facebook page.