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It’s National Lottery Day: Cybercriminals Are Taking Their Chances Winning Your Mega Millions

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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So, you’re trying your luck playing the lottery?

July 17th is National Lottery Day, and we’ve certainly all fantasized about how we would spend the lottery money if we won. Cyber criminals are aware of this and are capitalizing on peoples’ lottery dreams.

It might not surprise you to learn that the chances of someone being struck by lightning are actually more likely than the odds of winning millions in a lottery. For most of us, we play for fun while keeping our day jobs. Regardless, cybercriminals are taking their chances winning their own lottery off you.

The enjoyment of playing the lottery isn’t exempt from cyber scams, as lottery players are at risk of being targeted by cybercriminals trying to hit the jackpot. Bad actors have even gone as far as impersonating the Hoosier Lottery. They will send a letter or email to potential victims telling them that they have won the lottery and instruct them to call a number to claim their winnings. When the victim calls, they are greeted with a recording of the actual Hoosier Lottery hotline.

The scams don’t stop there- when do they ever, though, right? There are several red flags to look out for that indicate that a cyber criminal is testing their chances of hitting the lottery that makes you their payout, such as:

  • A “lottery” notifying you that you have won the lottery. The Hoosier Lottery, and other state lotteries, will not reach out to you.
  • Getting asked to pay fees to receive your winnings. Legitimate lotteries will not ask you for money or a payment in any form.
  • The sender uses generic information in any emails or messages that are sent to you regarding the lottery. If they do not use personal information, the message is not for you.
  • If you are being contacted, but you never bought a lottery ticket, you didn’t win the lottery.

Thinking about giving up on being the next mega millionaire? There are other options, if you would like to continue testing your luck!

The Hoosier Lottery has tips on their website for claiming your earnings in a way that’s safe and secure – where they encourage winners to send their ticket in via mail. It’s a great way to avoid getting caught in the crosshairs of a cybersecurity scam!

It’s an unfortunate reality that the possibility of winning the lottery can put just as much on the line as playing where cybercriminals are concerned, but that doesn’t mean that you have to hit the jackpot to safeguard your information and your money! Protect yourself from becoming a cybercriminal’s ‘Powerball’ by participating in these best practices for playing the lottery!