Today, all institutions, from government down to small businesses, are targets of cybercrime. Healthcare institutions are no exception.
- In fact, small to medium healthcare institutions face greater threats from cybercrime because these organizations don’t have all of the necessary resources (people, processes, technology, and/or finances) to establish even basic protections. Healthcare institutions also maintain and process some of the most sensitive data – patient’s healthcare and financial information – the very same data cybercriminals desperately want.
- The passing of the Cybersecurity Act of 2015 was a means to address these concerns. Section 405(d) of that Act called for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to establish a process with industry to address the numerous cybersecurity threats that healthcare organizations face. Accordingly, an industry-government group, known as the 405(d) Task Group, was formed under the Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC), which published in 2019 the 405(d) Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices: Managing Threats and Protecting Patients (HICP).
The Indiana Executive Council on Cybersecurity (IECC) Healthcare Committee, utilizing the expertise of healthcare cybersecurity and information security professionals, adapted the HICP for the needs of Indiana’s healthcare providers.
Updated with even more recommendations and best practices, Healthcare Cyber in a Box 2.1 provides organizations with three levels of expert guidance – basic, intermediate, and mature – involving 23 critical areas of cybersecurity – as a FREE to download resource for creating even more of the systems needed for keeping your operations secure while, at the same time, helping to protect your patients and preserving both their digital, as well as physical, well-being.
Public Law 116-321 also amends the HITECH Act and instructs the HHS Office For Civil Rights (OCR) to consider adoption of the 405(d) products when applying enforcement actions. This means that use of Healthcare Cyber in a Box 2.0 can help organizations mitigate potential penalties if a security event happens.
The IECC thanks the 405(d) Working Group, Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC), HHS, and the numerous provider, government, and industry volunteers who have made this a reality, and the contributions that have been made to expand even further these resources, are greatly appreciated.
The purpose of Healthcare Cyber in a Box 2.1 is to provide additional direction and guidance around the topic of cybersecurity protections. The site follows cybersecurity leading practices and provides guidance for different levels of a business’ cybersecurity maturity that build off each other – Basic, Intermediate, and Mature. In other words, if an organization is operating at a mature level, they should also have basic and intermediate controls implemented.
This guidance also provides specific, actionable information on how a health care organization can address each area of concern, including: email protections, system access, asset management, laptop, and workstation protections, etc., and guidance on what specific threats each of these areas seeks to protect against. This is part of an ongoing initiative to help educate and support all Hoosiers and small- and medium-sized businesses. Threats evolve constantly, and cybersecurity guidance to protect against these threats need to be responsive as well.
Highlighted in the charts, there are (23) control categories for an organization to follow, along with the mitigating controls, in three distinct categories -- Basic, Intermediate and Mature. Provided, too, is an outline of the mitigated risks that an organization or healthcare provider could experience in the course of providing protection for its critical systems. A glossary of cybersecurity definitions is also included for your reference.
A strong cybersecurity strategy is the foundation for providing a good security posture against malicious attacks designed to access, alter, delete, destroy or extort an organization's systems and sensitive data.
Cybersecurity is also instrumental in preventing attacks that aim to disable or disrupt a system's or device's operations; a fact that is especially critical for healthcare organizations, whose commitment and dedication is vital in caring for its patients' well-being, medically, as well as protecting their medical records and their personal and financial information.
To get started, simply click on the level of cybersecurity guidance that offers the best fit with the needs and capabilities of your organization.
- Healthcare & Public Health Sector Coordinating Councils -- The Operational Continuity Cyber Incident (OCCI) Checklist is intended to provide a flexible template for operational staff and executive management to respond to and recover from an extended enterprise outage due to a serious cyberattack.
- NEW! Healthcare Vendor Management Guidance
- Created as a free resource for use by Indiana's healthcare organizations, the Vendor Management Guidance provides six key approaches, as well as some helpful federal resources, for managing the risks that can occur when using third party vendors and suppliers. Created by members of the Indiana Executive Council on Cybersecurity's (IECC) Healthcare Commitee, the information shared in this newly released website page, is intended to help in making sure these risks are well understood and managed appropriately to ensure patient safety and information security.
- “Cybersecurity for the Clinician” Video Series
- Developed by the Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC), "Cybersecurity for the Clinician" is a FREE-to-download cybersecurity training video series that explains in easy, non-technical language the basics for how cyberattacks can affect clinical operations and patient safety, and how clinicians can do their part to help keep healthcare data, systems and patients safe from cyber threats without losing time away from patients.
- Clinicians, students, professionals, and institutions with training programs may download the series on YouTube or in eLearning format at: For a preview, go to:
- Developed by the Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC), "Cybersecurity for the Clinician" is a FREE-to-download cybersecurity training video series that explains in easy, non-technical language the basics for how cyberattacks can affect clinical operations and patient safety, and how clinicians can do their part to help keep healthcare data, systems and patients safe from cyber threats without losing time away from patients.
- CISA Healthcare Cybersecurity Toolkit - To help improve cybersecurity within the HPH sector, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC) Cybersecurity Working Group are working together have developed a FREE Toolkit to deliver tools, resources, training, and information that can help organizations within this sector. Together, CISA brings technical expertise as the nation’s cyber defense agency, HHS offers extensive expertise in healthcare and public health, and the HSCC Cybersecurity Working Group offers the practical expertise of industry experts working cybersecurity issues in HPH every day.
- Stay Safe from Cyber Threats - U.S. Small Business Administration
- Cybersecurity Guidance for Business - State of Indiana Cybersecurity Hub