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Firewood Rules

stacked firewood

Buy firewood where you burn it

There are 140 known pests and pathogens that can be moved in firewood. Conserving our Hoosier forests is everyone’s responsibility, so the DNR has a firewood management rule.

You can bring firewood into a state park, reservoir, state forest, or state fish and wildlife area if:

  • It is kiln-dried scrap lumber with no bark.
  • It is purchased from the property camp store or on-site firewood vendor.
  • It is from your home or another Indiana location and has all bark removed.
  • It bears a state compliance stamp or a USDA compliance stamp.


state firewood stampState Firewood Compliance Stamp

If you purchase wood from a local vendor near your favorite park, reservoir or state forest, be sure it comes with their state compliance stamp. The Division of Entomology & Plant Pathology certifies Indiana businesses that sell firewood.

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federal firewood stampUSDA Firewood Compliance Stamp

You can purchase firewood with a federal compliance stamp at many grocery stores, department stores, gas stations, etc. It is typically bundled in plastic and will have a label that includes the federal compliance stamp. Be sure to keep the label with the stamp handy in case DNR security staff or Indiana conservation officers visit your site and ask about your firewood.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact

Thank you for doing your part to protect and conserve the forest resources on our DNR properties.

For more information

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is this rule in place?

    The DNR is charged with managing and conserving the natural and cultural resources of Indiana. There are more than 140 pests and pathogens currently identified that can potentially be moved in firewood. Some of these pests can, if introduced to a DNR property, devastate forested areas where popular hiking trails are located and greatly reduce shade in the campgrounds. Learn more about pests in firewood, check out

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