If you have questions or concerns, please contact DEPP@dnr.IN.gov.
Thank you for doing your part to protect and conserve the forest resources on our DNR properties.
For more information
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is this rule in place?
The DNR is charged with managing and conserving the natural and cultural resources of Indiana. There are more than 140 pests and pathogens currently identified that can potentially be moved in firewood. Some of these pests can, if introduced to a DNR property, devastate forested areas where popular hiking trails are located and greatly reduce shade in the campgrounds. Learn more about pests in firewood, check out dontmovefireword.org.
- What are some of the other pests that are transported by firewood?
- The rule says the only wood I can bring from home is kiln-dried scrap lumber or wood with the bark removed. What is the best way to remove the bark?
- Why does wood that I buy from a local vendor or a department store still have bark on it when I can’t bring wood from home with bark on it?
- Can I bring debarked wood from home if I live in another state?
- Where can I buy wood with a federal compliance stamp?
- Where can I buy wood with a state compliance stamp?
- I used to be able to bring in pine. Can I still do that?
- What will happen if I don’t follow this rule?
- If I want to sell firewood, how can I get a state compliance agreement?