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Donate to the Healthy Rivers Initiative

Make a difference to Indiana’s rivers and the wildlife that depend on them. Donate today and designate your contribution to the Healthy Rivers INitiative. Your generous donation will be used to help us create a legacy of healthy rivers for future generations.

The project areas include 43,000 acres located in the floodplain of the Wabash River and Sugar Creek and another 26, 000 acres of the Muscatatuck River.

The project protects, restores, and enhances the rivers and adjacent land. This provides important habitat to Indiana’s wildlife, particularly threatened and endangered species, migratory birds, and waterfowl. The initiative benefits people and surrounding communities by providing increased public access to recreational opportunities.

Some examples of the increased opportunities include:

  • fishing
  • hunting
  • hiking
  • boating
  • trapping
  • bird watching

In addition, it will provide a major conservation destination to local and out-of-state tourists.
Join us in protecting Indiana’s rivers today by donating to the Healthy River’s INitiative. Your donations will be used to purchase land from willing sellers to create a legacy of healthy rivers for future generations.

Two ways to donate

  1. Make your immediate donation online and designate your gift to “Healthy Rivers INitiative”
  2. To make a tax-deductible donation, send a check or money order, made payable to Indiana Natural Resources Foundation.

Mail your donation to:
Healthy Rivers INitiative
402 W. Washington St, W273
Indianapolis, IN 46204

For questions, call(317-234-8101 or e-email

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