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Lake Michigan Coastal Program Grants

Indiana Erosion Along Lake Michigan

The Lake Michigan Coastal Program is awarded approximately $600,000 per year by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office for Coastal Management, for the administration of our pass-through grant program. Work done in partnership with the LMCP must further the mission of the Lake Michigan Coastal Program, which is to protect and enhance natural, cultural, and historical coastal resources, and to foster coordination and partnerships among local organizations and federal, state, and local agencies. The LMCP provides guidance, advice, partnership, support, and financial resources to municipal, county, and state government agencies and other organizations working within the coastal region.

Lake Michigan Coastal Grant funding is available to communities and organizations seeking social, economic, and environmental solutions that promote partnerships and balance the use and protection of the Lake Michigan coast’s valuable, yet fragile, resources. Eligible grant applicants include municipalities, county parks, educational institutions, planning and development agencies, soil and water conservation districts, transit agencies, marinas, and non-profits. If your agency or organization is interested in applying, it is strongly advised you communicate with the LMCP Grant Specialist about your project to ensure eligibility, and that it keeps with the mission and goals of our program.

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