List of Pending Permit Applications for Coal Bed Methane Wells
IC 14-37-4-8 provides an opportunity for potentially affected persons to submit written comments or objections to the Oil & Gas Program on any pending permit application for drilling and operation of a coal bed methane well in Indiana. This table lists all of the coal bed methane applications currently pending in our office.
Clicking on a column heading will sort the list of pending applications by that value. To download and view a copy of the coal bed methane permit application, click on the permit number highlighted in the table.
In order to be considered, comments or objections must be in writing and received by the Oil & Gas Program before the end of the comment period specified for the permit. Be sure to include your name, address, and phone number. You may submit the comments by email, or you may mail them to:
Indiana Division of Reclamation's Oil & Gas Program
402 West Washington Street
Room W293
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Once a decision is made on a permit application, the “Application Status” field will be updated to indicate “Approved” or “Denied”, depending on the findings of the Oil & Gas Program. The “Status Date” field will be also updated to indicate the date on which the permit decision was made.
Any person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by a decision to issue or deny a coal bed methane permit may appeal that decision under IC 4-21.5 by filing a written appeal within fifteen (15) days of the permit decision date. The appeal must be submitted to:
Indiana Government Center North
100 North Senate Avenue, Room N103
Indianapolis, IN 46204