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GI Bill Opportunities in Indiana

  • DVA
  • Current: GI Bill Opportunities in Indiana


The Indiana Department of Veterans' Affairs (IDVA) recognizes the importance of providing quality educational and training opportunities to veterans. Within IDVA, the State Approving Agency, through a Federal Contract from the Department of Veterans Affairs, administers and approves both educational and vocational programs for veterans. The SAA's mission is in keeping with IDVA's philosophy: supporting the education and development of veterans. The IDVA SAA approves training programs at all public and private universities/colleges, barber schools, beauty schools, medical programs, on-the-job training programs, apprenticeship programs, real estate schools, other non-college degree programs, and flight schools.

The resources on this page are provided for County Veteran Service Officers, Work One personnel to include Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialists (DVOP), and Employment Specialists (ES), and veterans alike to find approved education and training opportunities in our state to further veteran career development using GI Bill education benefits.

What is Apprenticeship Training?

Apprenticeship Training is on-the-job training coupled with theoretical related instruction. One can receive GI Bill benefits while working full time and earning wages. Apprenticeship programs are normally two to 5 years in length. Although program registration with the Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, is not mandatory for veterans, it is recommended in order to receive journeyman papers upon successful completion. The sponsoring organization may be union or non-union. Some typical examples of apprenticeship programs are: Carpenter; Electrician; Plumber; Tool & Die Maker; Machinist; Mechanic; and Iron Worker; etc.  There are over 860 apprenticeable occupations that may be approved!

What is On-the-Job (OJT) Training?

On-the-Job (OJT) Training allows you to learn on the job, earn wages and receive GI Bill benefits. OJT programs can be from a minimum of six months to a maximum of two years. There are certain pay schedules that must be followed. Some examples of OJT programs are: Police Officer; Firefighter; Deputy Sheriff; and Jailer, etc.

What are the time limits?

As a general rule, veterans have ten (10) years after separation from active duty to use their GI Bill benefits. National Guard and Reservists may also be eligible. To determine your eligibility, phone the Department of Veteran Affairs Regional Processing Office at 888-442-4551. They will want to know your social security number, when you entered active duty and your discharge date.


Effective October 1, 1990, eligible members of the National Guard / Reserve are eligible for an educational assistance allowance for participation in approved apprenticeship and/or On-the-Job Training programs. Contact your National Guard / Reserve Unit to determine eligibility for Chapter 1606 benefits.

For currently drilling National Guard and Reserve members that served on active duty for at least 90 days after September 11, 2001, may be eligible for an educational assistance allowance for participation in approved apprenticeship and/or On-the-Job Training programs. Contact your National Guard / Reserve Unit to determine eligibility for Chapter 1607 benefits.

PLEASE NOTE: Colleges and schools can change their program content and availability as well as their tuition and fees throughout the course of the year. Contact the institution for the most current information concerning their policies. However, the institution must submit any changes or new programs to the SAA for approval before a veteran can receive their benefits. Please make sure that the SAA has approved your program before you enroll.

You can search for APPROVED PROGRAMS by choosing the type of program and clicking on Indiana on the map.

The SAA approves new programs on a weekly basis. If you find a program not listed, please notify the SAA and we will explore the possibility of approval. Direct any question concerning approved institutions to:

Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs
State Approving Agency
302 W. Washington Street, Rm. W-469
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2738
(317) 234-6062 or 1-800-400-4520 ext. 6062

To inquire about potential benefits please call the Federal Veterans Affairs Regional Office toll free at 1-800-827-1000. For GI Bill eligibility/benefits call 1-888-442-4551.