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Vital Documents For Veterans Benefits

  • DVA
  • Current: Vital Documents For Veterans Benefits

The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs and the Indiana State Archives have copies of DD-214's on file for many Hoosier Veterans who entered the service from Indiana. Copies of these will be provided upon request to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The processing time for such a request is usually one or two weeks. The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs or your County Veterans Service Officer can assist you with the paperwork to obtain other documents from the federal government. Ref: IC 10-5-7-1. In most cases if the veteran was discharged from 1989 to present IDVA has copy 6 on file.  For discharges prior to 1989 contact the State Archives at 317-591-5222

Records may also be requested directly from the appropriate military records custodian or the National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records, 9700 Page Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63132-5100 by completing a Standard Form 180 or by doing the online request and submitting  the signature page via fax.  Normal processing time is less than two weeks in most cases for online requests.  National Archives Web Page

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