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Business and Community Engagement

Business and Community Engagement

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Business engagement is the cornerstone for transitioning job seekers, including individuals with disabilities into today’s competitive workforce, promoting long-term economic stability, competitiveness, and growth.

Interaction between employers, Vocational Rehabilitation, and other workforce development and education organizations results in measurable improvement in desired outcomes for all parties. Engaging businesses is a key component in improving and increasing employment outcomes for people with disabilities.

Benefits to employers

A partnership with VR can meet the following business needs:

  • Access to a new talent pool of qualified candidates for employment.
  • Access to a team of employment specialists and VR counselors with knowledge and expertise regarding the employment needs of people with disabilities.
  • Guidance and consultation regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act, accommodations, and accessibility.
  • Disability awareness training and resources.
  • Consultation regarding Section 503 compliance and tax incentives like Work Opportunity Tax Credit.
  • Opportunities for collaboration with community colleges, local employment services programs and other organizations responsive to workforce needs of businesses.
  • Creation of work experiences including internships and apprenticeships.

Job Accommodation Network

JAN’s - trusted consultants offer confidential one-on-one guidance on the following: workplace accommodations, the Americans with Disabilities Act and related legislation, self-employment and entrepreneurship options for people with disabilities.

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United Spinal Association

United Spinal Association - enhancing the quality of life of all people living with spinal cord injuries and disorders.

Disability Etiquette –Tips on Interacting with People with Disabilities.

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Work to Include

Work to Include - part of the national Employment First Movement.
Promoting a system of employment services and supports that ensures competitive integrated employment outcomes for Hoosiers with disabilities.

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Governor's Council for People with Disabilities

The Indiana Governor's Council for People with Disabilities - an independent state agency that facilitates change, with a mission to advance the independence, productivity, and inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society.

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Indiana Career Connect

Indiana Career Connect – connects job seekers to tools needed in the search for employment as well as assist employers in connecting to a skilled workforce.

Search jobs, create résumés, find education and training.

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Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Work Opportunity Tax Credit – a federal tax credit for private, for-profit employers to encourage hiring jobseekers who traditionally have difficulty finding employment, such as some Hoosier Veteran groups, individuals who have utilized state/federal public assistance programs, justice involved, individuals with disabilities and certain groups of Hoosier youth.

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Work Incentives Planning & Assistance

Work Incentives Planning & Assistance - commonly known as "benefits counseling" for individuals who are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplement Security Income who are currently employed, re-entering the work force, or are interested in work.

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IN DWD Employer Services

Indiana Department of Workforce Development Business Services - offers services to Hoosier employers including grants to train your staff, tax credits to hire new employees and recruitment assistance. WorkOne staff have the tools and resources to facilitate your needs.

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