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Sub-Acute Stabilization Facility Certification

Sub-Acute Stabilization Facility Certification

A twenty-four (24) hour facility for the treatment of psychiatric disorders or addictions, and that are more restrictive than a supervised group living facility and less restrictive than an inpatient facility.  Each sub-acute stabilization facility location must be added to the program’s accreditation within twelve (12) months of obtaining certification. A provider must be compliant with 440 IAC 7.5If you wish to provide residential treatment for youth, please pursue residential licensure with the Department of Child Services.

Completing the application in the DMHA Provider Portal, you will be asked to provide the following information via rich text:

  • Policies and procedures for applications in DMHA Provider Portal (Note: these are required to be entered as rich text)
    • Admission criteria
    • Discharge criteria
    • List of waivers
    • Program description, which must include but not be limited to the following:
      • The facility philosophy and treatment orientation
      • Resident population to be served
      • Services offered by the program
      • Program goals and services, including staffing assignments to accomplish these goal
      • Community resources that will be utilized to meet the resident’s needs
        • Include a description of the facility and its location, along with the ability of the community to provide necessary supportive services such as:
          • fire protection
          • medical service
          • access to recreational facilities, shopping and transportation
      • Provision of the following:
        • 24 hour supervision
        • Services provided under the supervision of a physician licensed to practice medicine in Indiana
        • Sufficient staffing: consumer ratios to carry out treatment plans and provide consumer and staff safety
  • Documents that should be uploaded in the application in the DMHA Provider Portal:
    • Detailed floor plan with marked square footage of each consumer bedroom and labeled beds, bathrooms, toilets, and tubs/showers.
    • Department of Homeland Security Construction Design Release or exemption paperwork. Visit the plan review site to file a construction design review. Should you have any questions along the way, email or call 317-232-6422. Once your Construction Design Review has been approved and you have all of the furnishings and staff in the building, DMHA can trigger an “occupancy inspection” to Department of Homeland Security.
    • Paperwork from the local zoning authority to occupy and operate a sub-acute facility. Local zoning includes city or county authorities; all zoning inquiries and submissions are handled by the provider. DMHA needs documentation from the local authority to confirm your facility is properly zoned to operate.
      • If the facility is in Marion county, a specific affidavit of application must be completed and submitted to the Indianapolis Department of Business & Neighborhood Services.
    • Indiana State Department of Health Retail Food Plan Approval Letter
    • If the facility is on a septic system, submit the Septic System Approval documentation. Please visit for more information. Should you have any questions, please email or call 317-233-7811.
    • Contact Information for State Fire Marshal Occupancy Inspection Request (name, phone number and email address of the person meeting with a Fire Marshal)
      • DMHA will schedule this inspection with the Department of Homeland Security State Fire Marshal team
    • A copy of the accrediting agency’s report that the new site is covered by the accreditation OR a statement signed by the CEO indicating that accreditation from a Division approved accrediting body will be achieved within twelve months of certification
    • A statement signed by the CEO indicating if any restraints and/or seclusion are used and what they are, and whether the facility is locked to impede egress.