Training resources
Great Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center: The PTTC network provides free trainings and materials. Click on the link to register for upcoming trainings. To access recorded webinars and other resources, click on the link and then navigate to “Resources – Products and Resources Catalog”. You can also navigate to “Education –” to access additional trainings.
IPRC training portal - register for upcoming trainings and access recorded webinars.
Funding opportunities
All interested applicants are encouraged to visit NextLevel Grants Management for information on eCivis, the state's new streamlined application approval process and grants management software that tracks federal grants from application to close-out. New federal funding opportunities and bidder requirements in eCivis can be viewed here.
Recent funding awards
- Award List for RFF Community Substance Misuse Prevention Services
- Substance misuse prevention and mental health promotion services for older adult populations (50+) (RFF-2022-001)
- Substance misuse prevention and mental health promotion services for populations disparately impacted by COVID-19 (RFF-2021-009)
- Planning, implementation and evaluation of programs to address substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion at Indiana’s institutions of higher education (RFF-2021-005)
- CRRSA/ARP community substance misuse prevention and mental health promotion (RFF-2021-006)
- Community substance misuse prevention and mental health promotion (RFF 2019-12-1)
- Substance misuse prevention and mental health promotion for older adults, 50+ (RFF 2019-12-2)
Subscribe for prevention funding opportunities emails
Indiana youth survey (2020)
Indiana college substance use survey (2019)
Substance Misuse in Indiana (2020)