Order Indiana 211 Promotional Materials
To order a selection of FREE Indiana 211 promotional materials, complete this order form. Each are double-sided, English/Spanish. Please allow for one to two weeks for your order to be fulfilled. Materials available for order:
- Indiana 211 Rack Card: The rack cards can be displayed by community organizations who provide printed resources for clients to take with them.
- Indiana 211 Wallet Card: The wallet card is intended to give community organizations and first responders a resource they can easily carry with them or keep on-hand in an office. It can be used to direct those who require additional assistance to Indiana 211.
- Indiana 211 Bookmark: The bookmark can be displayed by community organizations wanting to provide a useable resource clients can take with them.
We also encourage you to take advantage of our downloadable materials below.
Indiana 211 seasonal promotional resources
Use the following promotional materials, including Indiana 211 social media graphics and accompanying text, to support seasonal resources. You can also visit Indiana 211’s social media pages on Facebook, Instagram and X to repost any information directly shared by IN211.
A/C and FansIndiana 211 can help you discover whether there are any organizations in your area providing assistance with A/C or providing fans. Call 2-1-1 or visit in211.org to find resources. Seasonal resource promotional time frame: June – September. | | |
Cooling CentersIf you are in need of relief from the hot temperatures, Indiana 211 can help you find cooling centers open in your community. Call 2-1-1 or visit in211.org to find resources. Seasonal resource promotional time frame: June – September (when experiencing extreme heat) | |  |
Disaster ResponseWhen a natural disaster impacts a community in Indiana, Indiana 211 collaborates with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security to accept damage reports from community members and adds local disaster response resources to the database. When a disaster strikes, please look for a social media post from Indiana 211 on Facebook, Instagram, or X to repost the information we share. You may also share our Disaster Response graphic and direct individuals to the Indiana 211 Facebook page for more information. | |  |
Energy AssistanceCall 2-1-1 for assistance with your online Energy Assistance Program application or to find your local EAP service provider. Seasonal resource promotional time frame: October – April (visit IHCDA’s EAP page for the exact dates the application is open) | | |
Farmers MarketsIndiana 211 can help you find farmers markets in your area that accept Senior and WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program checks and participate in the SNAP dollar matching program. Call 2-1-1 or visit in211.org to find resources. Seasonal resource promotional time frame: May – September | |  |
Holiday ResourcesIndiana 211 can help you find holiday resources such as Thanksgiving meals and baskets, Christmas meals and baskets, and free toys and gifts for youth. Call 2-1-1 or visit in211.org to find resources. Seasonal resource promotional time frame: October – December | | |
Summer Meal ProgramsIndiana 211 can help you find summer meal sites offering free, nutritious meals for youth while school is out of session. Call 2-1-1 or visit in211.org to find resources. Seasonal resource promotional time frame: May – July | |  |
Tax AssistanceIndiana 211 can connect you with local providers of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Call 2-1-1 or visit in211.org to find resources. Seasonal resource promotional time frame: January – April | | |
Warming CentersIf you are in need of relief from the cold temperatures, Indiana 211 can help you find warming centers open in your community. Call 2-1-1 or visit in211.org to find resources. Seasonal resources promotional time frame: Nov-March (when experiencing extreme cold temperatures) | |  |
Warming Centers flyerSeasonal resources promotional time frame: Nov-March (when experiencing extreme cold temperatures) | | |
Indiana 211 is a free and confidential resource that can be accessed by calling 2-1-1 or 866-211-9966, texting your ZIP code to 898-211 or visiting our website at in211.org.