About GWC
The Governor’s Workforce Cabinet (GWC) was formed in 2018 to address current and future education and employment needs for individuals and employers, strengthen Indiana’s economy by integrating and aligning state and federal resources and ensure a talent-driven education and workforce system. Members are appointed by the Governor and include business and community leaders, K-12 representatives, postsecondary institutions, Indiana lawmakers and experts from key state agencies.
Indiana's Strategic Workforce Plan
In 2020, the Governor's Workforce Cabinet led the development of Indiana's Strategic Workforce Plan. Indiana’s first submission of a four-year Combined WIOA Plan allows us to take a more holistic approach to our state’s talent development system as we work towards better integration across the system. In the past, Indiana's state plan only covered the six “core” formula grant programs authorized under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), but the Combined Plan incorporates and integrates several additional federal and state programs that impact the workforce development system.
A Better Future for Every Hoosier: Indiana’s Strategic Workforce Plan
Federally required updates and modifications are submitted annually to the U.S. Department of Labor
- Executive Summary
- Snapshot
- Full Strategic Plan (2020)
- Full Strategic Plan (updated 2021)
The Combined Plan puts Hoosiers first by focusing on individuals and their needs, rather than segmented by program or funding stream. This human-centered approach allows us to examine the alignment of programs from the needs of each of our selected target populations
GWC will use comprehensive strategies to ensure return on investment for Hoosiers as we work to improve an individual’s experience with Indiana’s talent development system. These strategies will assist the Cabinet in improving the outcomes for all target populations and provide employers the talent needed to grow and diversify the workforce.
Office of Career Technical Education (CTE)
The Office of Career Technical Education is housed under the Governor's Workforce Cabinet, with a mission to ensure Indiana offers an education system of high quality and equity for the academic achievement and career preparation of all Indiana students. Students in Indiana’s secondary CTE programs will gain the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for success in postsecondary education and economically viable career opportunities. More information about CTE may be found at in.gov/gwc/cte.