Facility Profile Reports


The information and procedures set forth in this web site are subject to constant change and therefore should serve only as a foundation for further investigation and study of the matters covered by the web site. Further, all information and procedures contained herein should be very carefully reviewed and should serve only as a guide for use in specific situations.

It is important to note that the report cards are updated every two weeks and the data presented is aged approximately two weeks before being published. The aging of the data is required to insure that confidential survey information is not made public before it is legally allowed. Therefore, the data contained in the report cards is approximately one month old.

In addition to being aware of the dates and the age of the data, it is important to understand that the majority of the data for every facility is manually entered into a database which leaves the potential for human error. If an error was made by the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), it will be immediately corrected in the database and the web page upon discovery. The facilities and the public are encouraged to notify the ISDH of any discrepancies found in the data presented in order to improve our overall data quality. However, before contacting ISDH, please consider the age and date of the data. Comments and corrections can be e-mailed to ISDH at Providers@isdh.in.gov.

The Indiana State Department of Health hereby disclaims any and all responsibility or liability which may be asserted or claimed arising from or claimed to have arisen from reliance upon the procedures and information or utilization of the information set forth in this web site, or for any data inaccuracies contained in this web site.