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2001 Indiana Report of Infectious Diseases

Hepatitis A

View ISDH's Quick Facts on Hepatitis A

View CDC's Hepatitis A page

Rates presented are per 100,000 population and are based on the 2000 U.S. Census.

  Cases Incidence
Total 101 1.7
Race-specific cases and rates1
White  78 1.5
Black  4 0.8*
Other2   3 1.2*
Sex-specific cases and rates3
Female 34 1.1
Male 66 2.2

Hepatitis A is a viral infection of the liver transmitted most commonly by fecal-oral contact through contaminated food or water or from person-to-person via contaminated hands or oral-anal contact. Hepatitis A virus primarily infects humans.

There were 101 cases of hepatitis A reported in Indiana in 2001, for a rate of 1.7 cases per 100,000 population. This represents a 31% decrease over the previous year. In addition, the incidence remained below the average incidence of the years 1997-2000 of 180 cases (Figure HpA1). The number of reported cases was highest during the late winter and summer months (Figure HpA2).

Age-specific rates were highest among adults ages 50-59 (2.4), adults ages 30-39 years (2.3) and children ages 5-9 (2.3) (Figure HpA3). The sex-specific rate for males (2.2) is twice as high as that for females (1.1). Race-specific rates were higher for whites (1.5) than for blacks (0.8).  Of those counties that had five or more cases reported, Hamilton County had the highest incidence rate (7.1).  The number of reported cases for Indiana counties can be found in Table HpA1.

The most commonly reported risk factor for hepatitis A infection was contact with a known case. Approximately 35% of the interviewed cases reported prior contact with a case, most commonly through household or sexual contact. Other common risk factors included male homosexual/bisexual contact (22%) and international travel (22%). Eight (8%) of the interviewed cases were employed as foodhandlers during their infections. The reported risk factor data are summarized in Table HpA2.

There were no outbreaks of hepatitis A infection reported in Indiana in 2001. Two cases (1.0%) were linked to an outbreak in Michigan.

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Figure HpA1: Hepatitis A - Reported Cases by Year, Indiana, 1997-2001

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Figure HpA2: Hepatitis A - Reported Cases by Month, Indiana, 2001

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Figure HpA3: Hepatitis A - Incidence Rates by Age Group, Indiana, 2001

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Table HpA1: Hepatitis A - Reported Cases by County, Indiana, 2001

Hepatitis A - Reported Cases by County
Indiana, 2001
County Number of
Reported Cases
Incidence Rate per 
100,000 Population
Delaware 5 *4.2
Elkhart 10 *5.5
Hamilton 13 *7.1
Johnson 5 *4.3
Lake 7 *1.4
Marion 30 3.5

Source: Indiana State Department of Health
Note: Rates based on 2000 U.S. Census population.  All other counties had fewer 
than 5 cases and are not reported to protect case confidentiality.
* Rate based on less than 20 cases and should be considered unstable.

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Table HpA2: Hepatitis A - Percent of Reported Cases with Known Risk Factors, Indiana, 2001

Hepatitis A - Percent of Reported Cases
with Known Risk Factors
Indiana, 2001

Risk Factor


Number (%)*

Day-care attendee/employee

6 (6%)

Contact with day-care center

13 (13%)

Contact with a confirmed case

36 (35%)










Employed as a foodhandler

8 (8%)

Ate raw shellfish

9 (9%)

International travel

23 (22%)


Mexico/Central/South America









Middle East








Illicit drug use

1 (0.5%)

Male homosexual or bisexual contact

23 (22%)

Source: Indiana State Department of Health
* Percent of 101 cases who were interviewed who had the risk factor. Multiple
risk factors are possible.

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1 - Race was unknown for 16 of the reported cases.

2 - "Other" includes American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and multiracial.

3 - Sex was unknown for 1 of the reported cases.

* - Rate based on less than 20 cases and should be considered unstable.

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