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2001 Indiana Report of Infectious Diseases

Hepatitis B

View ISDH's Quick Facts about Hepatitis B, Hepatitis B Carriers, and Hepatitis B Contacts

View CDC's Hepatitis B page

Rates presented are per 100,000 population and are based on the 2000 U.S. Census.

  Cases Incidence
Total 77 1.3
Race-specific cases and rates1
White  44 0.8
Black  18 3.5*
Other 0  
Sex-specific cases and rates
Female 45 1.5
Male 32 1.0

Hepatitis B is a bloodborne pathogen disease transmitted by direct contact with blood or body fluids that contain the virus, sexual contact with an infected person, or from an infected mother to her infant during childbirth. The incidence in the United States in 1991 was 7 cases/100,000 population but declined and has remained constant at between 2.5-2.8 cases/100,000 population for the past 3 years. The incidence of hepatitis B in Indiana continues to fall below the national average.

In 2001, 77 cases of acute hepatitis B were reported to the Indiana State Department of Health, matching the previous record low of 1999. One of the reported cases resulted in death. Figure HpB1 shows reported cases of hepatitis B for the five-year period, 1997-2001.

In 2001, rates of acute hepatitis B infection varied with age. The highest age-specific rate in Indiana was found in adults ages 30-39 (2.7) followed by adults ages 20-29 (2.4). Historically, acute hepatitis B rates have been highest in young adults. Figure HpB2 shows the incidence rate of acute hepatitis B by age group.

Although 61 cases were interviewed about risk factors for contracting hepatitis B, not all of those interviewed responded to each question asked (Table HpB1). Having more than one sexual partner continues to be a major risk for acquiring the disease.

In 2001, 26 Indiana counties reported cases of hepatitis B. Incidence rates for counties reporting five (5) or more cases are noted in Table HpB2.

Indiana law requires reporting of both acute and chronic hepatitis B infection during pregnancy and perinatally exposed infants. In 2001, 98 Indiana women were reported as infectious with hepatitis B during pregnancy, compared to 67 in 2000. Identifying these women during pregnancy facilitates appropriate medical treatment for infants. No perinatal transmission was reported.

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Figure HpB1: Hepatitis B - Reported Cases by Year, Indiana, 1997-2001

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Figure HpB2: Hepatitis B - Incidence Rate by Age Group, Indiana, 2001

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Table HpB1: Hepatitis B - Frequency of Patient-Recorded Risk Factors, Indiana, 2001

Hepatitis B - Frequency of Patient-Recorded
Risk Factors

Indiana, 2001

Risk Factor

Number Responding

Percent with Risk Factor

History of dental work

60 25%

Multiple sexual partners

57 23%


58 22%

History of surgery

59 14%

Contact of a case

61 9%

Accidental stick with a contaminated object

59 7%
Medical employment 60 7%

Application of a tattoo

59 5%


61 3%

Injection drug use

60 2%


58 2%

Dialysis association

53 0%

Source: Indiana State Department of Health
Note: Cases may have multiple risk factors.

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Table HpB2: Hepatitis B - Reported Cases by County, Indiana, 2001

Hepatitis B - Reported Cases by County
Indiana, 2001
County Number of
Reported Cases
Incidence Rate per
100,000 Population
Lake 13 2.7
Marion 19 2.2
St. Joseph 6 2.3
Vanderburgh 7 4.1

Source: Indiana State Department of Health
Note: Rates based on 2000 U.S. Census population.  All other counties had fewer than 5 
cases and are not reported to protect case confidentiality.  
All rates are based on less than 20 cases and should be considered unstable.

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1 - Race was unknown for 15 of the reported cases.

* - Rate based on less than 20 cases and should be considered unstable.

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