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2001 Indiana Report of Infectious Diseases


View ISDH's Quick Facts on Mumps Page

View CDC's Mumps Page  (PDF)

Cases = 3

Three cases of mumps were reported as confirmed or probable to the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) during 2001, compared with two cases in 2000 (see Figure Mumps1 for 10-year trend). The three cases occurred in persons ages 3, 7, and 63. Two of the cases were males and one was female, and all cases were of the white race. One of the cases (age 7) was serologically confirmed, while laboratory analysis was not preformed on the other two cases. The two cases which were not serologically confirmed did meet the clinical case definition for mumps, which is defined as "an illness with acute onset of unilateral or bilateral tender, self-limited swelling of the parotid or other salivary gland, lasting equal to or greater than 2 days and without other apparent cause.

There was no evidence of spread from any of the cases. Two of the cases (the 3- and 7-year-old) had received one dose of mumps containing vaccine. The 63-year-old would have been considered immune by age.

Because of the difficulty in distinguishing mumps from other forms of parotitis, IgM mumps-specific serologic testing is strongly recommended on all sporadically reported cases. The specimen should be drawn at least three days following onset of parotitis. In 2001, 23 cases of mumps were reported and investigated by ISDH staff. The 23 cases can be classified as follows: 1) One case serologically confirmed; 2) Two cases not serologically confirmed but met the case definition for mumps; 3) 19 cases serologically ruled out; and 4) one case ruled as an adverse event. Although incidence of mumps disease is low, medical providers should consider mumps diagnosis and serological analysis when parotitis of two days or longer has occurred.

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Figure Mumps1: Mumps - Reported Cases by Year, Indiana, 1992-2001

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