The 2005 Indiana Induced Termination of Pregnancy Report
provides a summary of the terminated pregnancies reported in Indiana.
Information on terminated pregnancies is provided to the State under the authority of Indiana Code 16-34-2-5. Summary
tables have been developed, some of which include data for each county. The information provided in these tables is intended
for health professionals, students, legislators, and others interested in the health of the Indiana community.
Indiana currently uses the 1977 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards for collecting data on race and ethnicity.
These standards are in use by all states who have not yet revised their birth certificates to meet the 1997 OMB standards for
collecting race and ethnicity information. The 1977 standards are also the standards used by the National Vital Statistics
System for national reporting. The relationship between these two OMB standards and the terms used to report race and
ethnicity in this report are as follows:
Most tables in this report will print on one page (8.5" x 11")
if margins are set to 0.25” in all dimensions and the tables
are viewed at the smallest font size.
The data file for this report was closed on January 17, 2007.
The tables with Indiana resident data were updated on June
13, 2007.