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Christmas in the Village is a yearly celebration of Christmas from past times. The Illiana Antique Power Association decorates the grounds, opens the village, and warms the community with Christmas cheer. Local high school choirs provide roving carolers, the people mover carries handicapped folks through the grounds, hot chocolate from the milk house, chili and cookies served free, as well as a big dose of Christmas Spirit from club members warm the bodies and souls of the visitors.
Statehood made an impact on Christmas the year of 1816. Folks were still celebrating joining the union. Our carolers will be singing carols from that time period. Even though our motorized tractor powered people mover will still be moving handicapped folks through the village, the candles in the windows and the costumes of the club members will reflect 1816. The cookies will be from old family recipes handed down from generations past. The blacksmiths will be using the same skills needed at the time of statehood.