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The Indiana Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology’s Historic Preservation Fund (HFP) Matching Grant Program is available to not-for-profit organizations, municipal governments, and educational institutions for certain types of heritage preservation projects, including rehabilitation of historic buildings listed in the National Register of Historic Places. About $500,000 is awarded through a single competitive grant round each year. The maximum grant award is $50,000 and all grants must be matched dollar-for-dollar with non-federal funds.
Grant awards from the Historic Preservation Fund assist communities in carrying out important local heritage preservation projects. Because this is a matching grant program, grant recipients must supply a certain percentage of the total cost of their projects – generally 50%. Also, grant awards are made directly to local organizations who execute their own projects; the DHPA does not execute the projects for them. Therefore, this program fosters a significant sense of project “ownership” from participants. Furthermore, because it is a competitive program with defined evaluation criteria, as well as high demand for grant funding, selected projects are generally those that are the most prepared and ready-to-go, involve significant cultural resources, and have the highest potential for successful, on-time, and on-budget completion.
Most of these projects are highly visible at the local level. In addition to press releases put out by the DNR, many grant recipient organizations issue their own press releases and publicity pieces about their grant-assisted projects. Many of the historic buildings rehabilitated with grant funds have been on local “endangered lists” in the past. In addition to preserving the historic fabric of Indiana’s cities and towns, many of these rehabilitated buildings add further public benefit to their communities by housing not-for-profit and/or community service organizations.