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Financial Education

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External Financial Education & Literacy Resources

ICW is pleased to share external information and resources for financial education and literacy resources.  ICW is always wiling to expand the external resources If there is a resource not listed that you believe could help others, please contact ICW at


Please note, any link to or mention of a commercial or external website or organization found on this page or throughout this website is provided as a courtesy only and should not be considered in any way as an endorsement or promotion by the Indiana Commission for Women, the State of Indiana and of its partners and supporters. In addition, the Indiana Commission for Women is not responsible for any offensive or objectionable content that may be found at any of the sites provided above. The Indiana Commission for Women and those associated with the agency do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any comments made or representative of any third party's use or results of such use of any information.

  • Clever Girl Finance

    Clever Girl Finance offers free financial courses and resources to achieve financial freedom. Visit

  • Savvy Ladies

    Savvy Ladies empowers women through financial knowledge. Visit

  • Women's Institute for Financial Education

    Women's Institute for Financial Education's mission is to empower women to succeed and prosper. Visit

  • Invest in Girls

    Invest in Girls work s towards increasing financial literacy among girls and increasing the number of women working in finance. Visit

  • Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (IHCDA)

    IHCDA's mission is to help communities build upon their assets and to create places with ready access to opportunities, goods, and services. They also promote, finance, and support a broad range of housing solutions, from temporary shelters to homeownership. visit:

    Individual Development Accounts (IDA)

    The IDA program assists low-moderate income Hoosiers attain their goals through matched-savings incentives and financial education. Operating behind the rationale that income alone is not enough for individuals to break trends of generational poverty, the IDA program focuses on asset building as a key component towards family and self-sufficiency. Participants in the IDA program are eligible to receive up to $4,500 in state match funds towards one of the eligible asset goals mentioned above. Participants also receive one-on-one counseling and 6+ hours of financial education covering topics such as budgeting, savings, credit, banking, taxes, and other money management strategies.

    Qualified participants set savings goals and make regular savings deposits. Every dollar they save is matched, at a minimum for $3 for every $1 saved, to help them reach their goals so they can:

    • Purchase a primary residence located in Indiana
    • Expand a small business located in Indiana
    • Obtain education job training
    • Make essential repairs to owner-occupied housing
    • Purchase a vehicle for employment, education, or job training purposes
  • Know Yourself, Grow Your Wealth

    Know Yourself, Grow Your Wealth is a non-credit certificate program created by The American College of Financial Services for individuals who want to improve their understanding of money and personal finance. Through an easy-to-navigate e-learning experience, learn fundamental financial concepts to help improve your financial decision-making, increase your financial security, and put into practice strategies to achieve your financial goals. The program consist of 13 modules with snackable bite-sized chucks of content.  To learn more about the program visit:

    To begin the program, enroll today by visiting

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