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Pendleton Juvenile Correctional Facility

New Visitor Registration Process

Step 1: Request Visitation

All visitors must submit State Form 14387 to be screened for criminal history, employment with DOC and relation to the incarcerated individuals before scheduling the first visit.

View Form

Step 2: Register for ViaPath

All Visitors must register for a ViaPath Account and be approved before scheduling in-person and online visits.

Register Now

Step 3: Schedule Visit

Already registered? Remember all visitation requests observe Eastern time. Available dates and times will be listed for that incarcerated individuals facility.

Schedule Visit

Family Council

Executive staff meet with parents to collaborate and improve communication between the facility and the families of the youth at Pendleton Juvenile. During the meeting, parents and family members over 18 years of age will be given a facility tour. Staff will discuss programs, policies and issues related to the administration of the facility. Parents are encouraged to bring suggestions and ideas for discussion. If you are interested in being a member of the Family Council please contact Ray Kinison.


Special Message: IDOC Comprehensive Response to COVID-19

Public Visitation:

Please refer to the IDOC visitation page to find the most current information regarding visits.

**Please check your email frequently for updated information. **

When visitation resumes

All visitors must register and be approved before scheduling a visit. Visitors who have already registered for video visitation through GTL will not need to register again.

In order to register and schedule visitation, please visit the GTL website at Need help? You can view a short guide HERE to get you started.

Visitors will need to be reviewed for approval after submitting information about any criminal history, employment with DOC and relation to the Incarcerated Individuals.

Once approved, a visitor can request a visitation appointment with an Incarcerated Individuals. Available dates and times will be listed for that Incarcerated Individuals and facility.

All scheduling is being done through the GTL website at:

Below is a list of requirements for visits at all prisons:

  • Anyone entering a DOC facility will be asked questions about their current health symptoms and may be asked to reschedule their visit if they have symptoms of contagious illness.
  • Visitors must have a valid ID.
  • Masks are not mandatory at this time but can be mandated if the facility deems necessary.
  • Absolutely no physical contact between the visitor and Incarcerated Individuals is permitted at any time during the visit.
  • Failure to abide by these visitation rules may result in your visitation being canceled.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I submit a paper application for visitation?

A: We are not accepting paper applications. All visitation scheduling should be done through the GTL website at

Q: Am I allowed to hug, hold hands, have physical contact during my visit?

A: No. All visits are non-contact at this time, meaning you will be sitting face-to-face, 6 feet apart.

Q: Do I have to wear a mask?

A: Masks are not mandatory at this time but can be mandated if the facility deems necessary.

Q: If I am vaccinated/the Incarcerated Individuals is vaccinated, does that change the policy on masks, non-contact?

A: No.masks are not mandatory at this time but can be mandated if the facility deems necessary.

Q: How long are visits?

A: One hour.

Q: When should I arrive for my visit?

A: Please plan to arrive at the facility no more than 15 minutes before your visitation time to allow for screening and processing. Also, be sure to note any time zone differences for the facility you are visiting.

Q: How will I know if my visit is canceled?

A: Be sure to check the email you used to register the GTL account that is used to schedule your visitation. Communication will be sent to that email address regarding any changes to visitation.

Visiting Guidelines:

PNJCF Visitation Letter to ParentsThis letter provides valuable information regarding scheduling visits and visiting guidelines.

Visitation is open to all students and there are no restrictions on the number of visits.  Approved visitors may visit on any regular visitation day and time.  Approved visitors may visit as often as they want.  Example, a parent may visit on Saturday morning and afternoon and then again on Sunday and throughout the week at the regular visitation hours.

You may download a copy of the visitation application HERE.

Visitation Days & Times

Video Visitation is also available through GTL.

Video Visitation Guidelines


Pendleton Juvenile has a variety of programs for the students to participate in; as well as individual counseling, treatment interventions and treatment groups.  The students participate in the groups based upon the needs that are determined upon intake.  These programs focus on addressing particular needs and risk areas for re-offending.  The programs also teach pro-social skills to students improve positive outcomes for successful re-entry into the community as law-abiding, productive citizens.  Process groups allow students to help each other discuss issues and practice skills.  These groups are facilitated by counselors, the treatment supervisors, Chaplain, and qualified community volunteers.

Division of Youth Services Program List / Descriptions

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Groups are often sponsored by a local community organization either secular or religious. These groups provide positive community contact for our student population. Opportunities exist for ongoing programs as well as one time or occasional special programs. Volunteer groups provide the following services:

  1. Religious worship, study, and spiritual growth events
  2. Substance abuse groups
  3. Sports and recreation
  4. Cultural recreation
  5. Entertainment

Our volunteers contribute their time and talents in many ways. They work side by side with and under the supervision of the facility staff. Individual volunteers can offer the following services for our students:

  1. Serve as a mentor or tutor
  2. Sponsorship of specific interest level discussion groups
  3. Religious services and programming
  4. H.O.P.E Mentoring - currently recruiting college students to mentor through the H.O.P.E Mentoring program. Visit their website for more information and to apply.
  5. We are actively recruiting volunteers to mentor students participating in The Last Mile. The Last Mile is a non-profit organization that was founded at San Quentin State Prison in 2010. It is a full-stack computer coding boot camp, the first of its kind, that operates inside US prisons. The core belief of The Last Mile is that having a job is the key to successful re-entry and breaking the cycle of incarceration. Therefore, the program provides computer coding training to prepare students for release into today’s high-tech environment. You can view the volunteer brochure here or watch the volunteer recruitment video here.

Donation Needs

We are always in need of donations of release clothing for our students. Please contact the facility for more information on what specific items are needed.

Community Engagement Coordinator

Todd Bragg

Please contact the Community Engagement Coordinator if you are interested in volunteering or making a donation. For general volunteer information, please visit the the IDOC Volunteer page.

About Pendleton Juvenile Correctional Facility Treatment Unit:

Pendleton Juvenile Correctional Facility (PNJCF) is a maximum security, 391-bed, male juvenile facility located on 91 acres in Pendleton, IN operating under the auspices of the Indiana Department of Correction.  The facility provides extensive need-specific programs and services to the youth entrusted to our care.

Construction began in 1998 and the facility opened on July 5, 2000.  The facility is a campus-like structure in the immediate vicinity of two adult correctional facilities.

The physical plant consists of three 96-bed general population housing complexes and one 48-bed admission/orientation complex, as well as a 48-bed secure housing unit.  A services building comprises medical, food services, and laundry; also a housing area for special management and behaviorally challenged youths.  An administrative building contains the staff wellness center, training, the visiting area, and staff offices.  The large programs’ building accommodates the Providence Jr. /Sr. High School which. It also includes the indoor recreational facilities and the chapel.  There are outdoor recreational areas within the fenced perimeter, including baseball diamonds, volleyball courts, basketball courts, and a quarter-mile walking running track.  The perimeter has a single arched fence around it and is patrolled around the clock.

The facility houses adjudicated, delinquent male juveniles. Youth assigned here may have been sentenced from any of the 92 counties in the State of Indiana.  Pendleton offers a sex offense program along with other treatment, vocational, academic, and volunteer strategies designed, in accordance with its mission, to facilitate a more successful habilitation program and, even more importantly, a successful community re-entry.

Pendleton Juvenile Facility

Facility Physical Location

Pendleton Juvenile Facility
9310 South State Road 67
Pendleton, IN 46064

Phone | (765) 778-3778

Send Mail to an Incarcerated Individual

Offender Full Legal Name, DOC #
Pendleton Juvenile Facility
9310 South State Road 67
Pendleton, IN 46064

Reminder - Address both envelope and letter. All incoming and outgoing mail is opened, examined, and read by designated facility staff.