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IGC Request for Quotation - Casino Relocation
IGC Disparity Study
Commission releases 2022 Disparity Study.
Starting January 2, 2024, Indiana Gaming Commission’s office hours will be 8 a.m. - 4:30p.m. Monday-Friday
Effective August 5, 2021, the Voluntary Exclusion Program and the Statewide Exclusion List maintained by the Indiana Gaming Commission will also apply to the Four Winds South Bend casino pursuant to a compact between The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians and the state of Indiana.
Please note that you can now enroll and remove yourself online for the Voluntary Exclusion Program and Internet Self Restriction Program.
Internet Self Restriction Program
- View employment opportunities with the Indiana Gaming Commission (Non Law Enforcement)
- View employment opportunities with the Indiana Gaming Commission (Law Enforcement)
Note: The residency requirement for gaming enforcement agents has been lifted and you are no longer required to live in Indiana.
- The Indiana Gaming Commission is proposing new and amended rules
The Gaming Commission now has a toll free illegal gambling tip line. If you have any information related to illegal gambling, please call 1-866-610-8477.