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Sidney Hoene Testimonial

Sidney Hoene

May 2022 Ball State Graduate

Major: Public Relations

Intern Division: Public Relations

Graduating college is just as scary as it is a relief. As a senior at Ball State University preparing to graduate, I felt a mix of emotions. I was searching daily for places to intern or work at, but for the longest time nothing posed as fitting or applicable to what I had in mind. My mom began to help me search for an experience I would benefit from, when she saw INDOT had a Public Relations Internship available I could apply for. I read about the position and quickly found myself agreeing that it would be beneficial and an unpassable chance to diversify my work experience. I quickly applied to the position in hopes of receiving an opportunity to interview, because the work sounded so relative to what I had learned and the state agency itself sounded like a wonderful place of employment with opportunity to grow. Once I interviewed and got offered the position, I instantly accepted with excitement.

My first week on the job was wonderful and reassuring, filled with many learning experiences. The first day was full of meeting new faces, orientation and grasping basic INDOT terms. On the second day I was tasked with starting to write news releases for the agency, which encouraged me to utilize the PR best practices I learned while attending Ball State. I was appreciative to see what I obtained while furthering my education was playing out at such a significant agency. There are not many places you get to begin real work experiences so quickly into your internship, and I was pleased INDOT provided me work without delay. Throughout my internship I was given more tasks to take on, such as creating maps for releases, scheduling social media updates, and creating graphics for the agency. The tasks given to me were always related to my field of work and designed to remain beneficial.

Throughout my internship experience at INDOT I learned to create compelling content and use captivating, yet relatable words to reach our publics. After working here for just three short months I have become passionate about the agency’s goals and recognize the care each employee has for the citizens of Indiana. In addition, as an intern I have never felt underestimated or looked down on, everyone does a wonderful job at remaining inclusive and providing beneficial learning experiences. Before my internship with INDOT I had a fear within about entering the workforce, but now recognize that I am prepared. INDOT enhanced my confidence in my work and communication skills. I can positively say INDOT has provided me with countless opportunities to learn, connect, grow, and develop in such an optimistic way.

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