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Cooperative Education Program

Cooperative Education is work experience that integrates the strengths of a solid education with the skills and training of on-the-job experience. It complements and enhances a student’s academic training and provides a "real world" introduction to that individual's career field.

Cooperative Education:

  • Puts ideas and skills of the classroom to work
  • Alternates periods of classroom study with paid on-the-job experience
  • Relates career choices to academics
  • Provides a Mentoring atmosphere

At the Indiana Department of Transportation, we feel that students not only gain from the experience, but also bring a fresh perspective to the organization.

Getting Started

Students should contact their on-campus co-op coordinator or academic advisor. Their respective academic institution and the Indiana Department of Transportation will determine selection.

Program Duration

The number of required work sessions with the Indiana Department of Transportation varies with the academic calendar of each school (usually three to five). However, all schools require alternating sessions between classes and work. Students enter the program no earlier than the completion of their freshmen year and remain on campus for the duration of their senior year.

Program Requirements

Students are required to maintain an academic and disciplinary record in conformance with university regulations and a satisfactory work record with the Department of Transportation.
Students must possess and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 out of a scale of 4.0 or equivalent.

Experience Available

The Indiana Department of Transportation will employ the students in the phases of work, which will supplement and utilize the technical background of the students and further their educational development. They will participate in a variety of work experiences that will challenge their abilities and enable them to enhance their skills.

For More Information

For more information about the Cooperative Extension Program, e-mail us at

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