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Retirement Planning

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Ask for INPRS by Name

Kevin MarshallBy Kevin Marshall - January 30, 2024

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Request INPRS by name, won’t you?

Our team of retirement consultants is stationed throughout the state of Indiana and is ready to serve you. Ever wish you could blink your eyes, wiggle your nose, and poof! INPRS would be at your office, providing a workshop or webinar that answers all your burning retirement plan questions? No, it’s not a daydream reminiscent of a 1960’s favorite – it can be your reality. While our offices are centrally located in downtown Indianapolis, our team of retirement consultants are stationed throughout the state of Indiana, living, working, and serving INPRS members like you each day. If you look close enough, you may spot them at your go-to grocery store! But don’t hold your retirement questions for the produce aisle. Instead, send a note to your human resources team and let them know that you’d appreciate a workshop or webinar from INPRS. Our services are always free of charge, and we love getting to meet members, listen to their questions, and help them make sense of their retirement plans. Ask your HR team to email INPRS to make their request for a workshop or webinar. We’re excited to meet you and your colleagues, so when our visit is set, spread the news! If you can’t wait, check out our video library, attend a webinar of your choosing, or book an individual appointment at