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Contribution Rates and Appropriation Amounts Approved by INPRS Board: PERF, TRF, and LE DC Plan Members

Dimitri Kyser By Dimitri Kyser - January 31, 2024


Updated 4/29/24: On Friday, April 26, 2024, the INPRS Board of Trustees voted to make the following employer rate changes effective January 1,  2025, as a result of the changes in House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1004 from the  2024 Indiana General Assembly legislative session.

DB Employer Contribution Rates Effective January 1, 2025
July 1, 2023
January 1, 2025 
TRF '96 Defined Benefit (DB)

The  INPRS Board of Trustees deferred the contribution rate increase to January 1, 2025, with an intent to make further TRF '96 contribution rate changes effective on January 1. This will align the TRF rate cycle with the school business cycle for all but a couple of Indiana school districts.

My Choice Funds
 TRF My Choice (Effective January 1, 2025)
Member Contribution
Employer Contribution Credited to Member's Account6.0%
Employer Contribution Credited to Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability

These updates follow from the changes to the TRF '96 DB rate above.

Supplemental Reserve Accounts

The INPRS Board of Trustees approved the following surcharge rates effective January 1, 2025.

2024 (new)
2025 (new)
PERF Defined Benefit
TRF '96 Defined Benefit

HEA 1004 made several changes to the supplemental reserve accounts and surcharge rates.  It set new targets for the supplemental reserve account funding. HEA 1004 also removed the 1% cap on surcharge rates but instituted a limitation on how much they could increase (0.1% per year). As a result of these changes, all of the surcharge rates will increase 0.1%, and the INPRS Board made them all effective on January 1, 2025

Updated 4/29/24: Due to higher than expected salary growth, lower than expected investment returns, and legislation authorizing a future COLA for retired teachers, next year INPRS will need to raise the contribution rate from the current rate of 6.0%. On Friday, April 26th the INPRS Board of Trustees approved an employer contribution rate of 6.5% for the TRF Hybrid and TRF My Choice plans effective January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025.

The employer rate is paid by your employer on your behalf and these proposed rate changes will not be passed on to members.

The new TRF '96 DB contribution rate will take effect on January 1, 2025. This rate will also be the total employer contribution rate for the TRF My Choice plan beginning January 1, 2025. It is expected that the surcharge rate will be increasing at least 0.1% each year through 2029 because of legislation authorizing a future COLA for retired teachers. Actual contribution rates will be determined based on the latest actuarial valuations at that time.

The INPRS Board of Trustees approved employer contribution rates for several of INPRS’s plans during the Oct. 27, 2023, Board of Trustees meeting.

Defined Benefit (DB) Employer Contribution Rates Effective 7/1/2024 (Fiscal Year 2025 [FY25])
2024 (new)
PERF Defined Benefit (DB) State
TRF '96 Defined Benefit (DB)
6.50%* (see above)

The PERF rate is unchanged from the prior year. The TRF ’96 rate is expected to increase and is discussed further below.

Legislator's Defined Contribution (LE DC) (FY25)
2025 (new)

The LE DC contribution rate is the same as the PERF DB contribution rate, including its 3% DC component.  That means its rate remains at 14.2% for FY 2025.

Contribution Rates Effective 1/1/2025 (Calendar Year 2025 [CY25])
2025 (new)
PERF DB Political Subdivisions

Rates remained the same from the prior year.

Appropriation Requests

No appropriation requests were voted on at the board meetings because they were already set in the FY24 – FY25 budget passed by the General Assembly in early 2023.  As a reminder, here are the amounts of those appropriations (from HEA 1001-2023).

 FY  2024FY  2025
TRF Pre-'96 DB1,035,200,000

The TRF Pre-’96 DB appropriations above exclude any special contributions that could be received in coming fiscal years.

My Choice Funds

In addition, the INPRS Board approved the following rates for the My Choice funds:

PERF State
(FY 2025)
PERF Political Subdivisions
(CY 2025)
TRF '96
(FY 2025)
Member Contribution
Employer Contribution Credited to Member's Account
0.0% – 4.2%
Employer Contribution Credited to Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability
0.5%* (see above)

The employer contribution credited to the member’s account is equal to the total normal cost of the relevant defined benefit plan liabilities, rounded down to the nearest 0.1%. For this purpose, political subdivisions can contribute any amount up to the normal cost, including 0%. In previous years, the PERF State and PERF Political Subdivision rate was a normal cost specific to their population. This year, those rates have been combined into a single, plan-wide PERF rate.

Supplemental Reserve Accounts

The INPRS Board approved the following surcharge rates for the supplemental reserve accounts starting January 1, 2024.

PERF Defined Benefit
TRF '96 Defined Benefit

There were no changes at this time.

The lottery revenue ($30,000,000 per year) is currently arriving in $2,500,000 portions per month and being allocated to the TRF Pre-’96 Supplemental Reserve Account.

TRF ’96 DB (TRF Hybrid Plan) & TRF My Choice Plan

The TRF ’96 DB fund employer contribution rate is currently 6.00% for FY 2024. In the June 30, 2023, actuarial valuation, INPRS’s actuaries determined that this contribution rate level is not sufficient to fund the promised benefits and needs to be increased. However, legislation under consideration may affect the surcharge rate for the TRF ’96 DB supplemental reserve account. Because of this uncertainty, the INPRS Board of Trustees has chosen to set the TRF ’96 DB employer contribution rate for FY 2025 after the conclusion of the 2024 legislative session.

The TRF ’96 DB contribution rate is also used to determine the employer contribution credited to the unfunded actuarial accrued liability in the TRF My Choice plan. Once the rate is set for the TRF ’96 DB fund, this portion of the TRF My Choice rate will be determined as well.

For more information, visit the Employer Contribution Rate Information page.