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INPRS Retirement Fund Eligibility Requirements (PERF Hybrid, TRF Hybrid, and 1977 Fund)

By Brandi Alexander - August 26, 2024


Is your new hire eligible for membership in an INPRS retirement fund?

Here’s a reminder of the eligibility requirements of our INPRS retirement funds:

PERF Hybrid Eligibility

The definition of PERF membership is defined in IC 5-10.3-7-1. If you represent a political subdivision and are not sure which employees are in PERF-covered positions, you should compare your joining resolution(s) with records in ERM.  You can check ERM by viewing a list of PERF covered positions in ERM in the Hybrid tab under "manage submission" for your unit. New, full -time employees hired into a PERF-covered position at the State, or at a political subdivision that offers an election for the applicable position, are eligible to participate in PERF Hybrid or PERF My Choice beginning on their date of hire (unless the employee is otherwise excluded from membership by law).  Newly hired employees have 60 days to select between PERF Hybrid and PERF My Choice if both options are permitted by law (for the State of Indiana) or by law and applicable resolution (for political subdivisions). There is no “probationary period” during which an employee is not eligible to participate in PERF.

TRF Hybrid Eligibility

The definition of qualified teacher is fully stated in IC 5-10.4-4-1.

Substitute Teaching

Eligibility for TRF requires the following:

  • Certified by the Indiana State Board of Education; and
  • Obtained at least an associate degree; and
  • Taught at least 120 days in any school year or at least 60 days in any two school years.

Note: If a TRF member’s substitute teacher or teacher’s license expires, they would no longer be eligible until new license is issued.

1977 Eligibility

Membership in the 1977 Fund is mandatory if:

  • You are a full-time, fully paid police officer, or
  • You are a full-time, fully paid firefighter (does not include volunteer firefighters), or
  • You are a full-time school resource officer, and
  • Your employer participates in the Fund, and
  • You were hired or rehired after April 30, 1977.

However, to become a member of the 1977 Fund, a police officer, firefighter, or School Resource Officer must:

  • Pass the required statewide baseline test (physical examination), and the local board’s mental examinations (35 IAC 2-9), and firefighters and police officers must be less than 40 years of age, or
  • Be a veteran with 20 years of armed forces service with a maximum age of 40 years and 6 months.

If you have any questions regarding the individual’s eligibility, please call the Employer Advocate support team at (888) 876-2707.