Retirement Medical Benefits Account
What Eligible State Employees Should Know About the Retirement Medical Benefits Account

Medical bills and expenses can be overwhelming for patients and their loved ones, especially on a limited income. The Retirement Medical Benefits Account (RMBA) is an excellent option to help ease the stress of some medical financial burdens.
The RMBA is a health reimbursement account for medical, dental, vision and long-term care insurance premiums available to qualifying state employees who retire from their eligible positions. It can also be used for covered dependents such as the legal spouse or dependent child or children, even in the event of the participant’s death.
If you’re a full-time employee in one of the following positions, you’re eligible for the RMBA:
- An employee of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of state government
- A state-elected officer
- An appointed officer who is appointed to fill State elected office vacancies
- Certain police officers of the executive branch (eligible for medical benefits)
- A member of the Indiana General Assembly
Additional information can be found here.