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How to Get Help With School Issues

Sometimes juvenile cases start when a student gets in trouble at school. Charges may be filed in juvenile court and a student may be disciplined in school for the same action.

The juvenile court process and the school discipline process are separate.  School officials can make decisions that can have a big impact on you or your child's future.  It is a good idea to talk with someone who can give you advice on how to handle the school discipline process.

The following organizations may be able to help you learn more about the school discipline process and any rights you may have:

Indiana Department of Education
Office of Special Education
115 West Washington Street
South Tower #600
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Telephone: 317-232-0570
Toll-free: 1-877-851-4106

IN*SOURCE (Indiana Resource Center for Families with Special Needs)
1703 South Ironwood
South Bend, IN 46613-1036
Telephone: 574-234-7101
Toll-free: 1-800-332-4433

About Special Kids (ASK)
4755 Kingsway Drive, Suite 105A
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Telephone: 317-257-8683
Toll-free: 1-800-964-4746 (Voice)
Toll-free: 1-800-831-1131 (TTY)

Indiana Protection & Advocacy Commission
4701 North Keystone Ave, Suite 222
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Telephone: 317-722-5555
Toll-free: 1-800-622-4845 (Voice)
Toll-free: 1-800-838-1131 (TTY)

Indiana Legal Services
To find the office near you, go to

If your child has or may have a disability, you have certain rights! These terms and explanations might help you figure outh what the school needs to provide your child.  For more detailed information, go to: