Scoring Methodology - How the Score is Calculated

Scoring Methodology - How the Score is Calculated

The best possible score that a facility can achieve is 500 points. This means that no "D" or higher deficiencies were found in the requirements used for scoring for the past two standard health surveys, and there have been no findings of Substandard Quality of Care or Immediate Jeopardy for any survey during the time period covered by those two standard health surveys.

Report card scores will be calculated four times per year for periods ending on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31. To allow time to ensure that surveys are uploaded and included in the score, the scoring for a quarter will occur at least sixty (60) days after the last date of that period. For example, if the quarterly period ends on June 30, report card scores would not run for that period until September 1.

Step One: Identify the surveys to be included in the scoring process.

  1. The facility report card score is calculated four times per calendar year for the two most recent nursing home health surveys occurring in a thirty (30) month period. The facility report card score also includes all complaint surveys, life safety code surveys, emergency preparedness surveys, and any follow-up surveys that occur within the 30 month period. The facility report card score ranges from 500 to 0, with 500 being the best score possible.

Step Two: Score the two most recent sets of surveys:

  1. For each deficiency found, deduct a point value according to the Scope and Severity found as indicated in the table below.
  2. Deduct all of the above point values from 500. This is the score for that facility for that survey period.
  3. Should total deduction points be greater than 500, the score for that facility will be (0) zero.

 Scope and Severity Table





Immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety

24 Deduction Points

27 Deduction Points

30 Deduction Points

Actual harm that is not immediate jeopardy

14 Deduction Points

17 Deduction Points

20 Deduction Points

No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy

3 Deduction Points

6 Deduction Points

9 Deduction Points

No actual harm with potential for minimal harm [Substantial Compliance]

0 Deduction Points

0 Deduction Points

0 Deduction Points