According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, deaths by suicide are the second leading cause of death for Hoosiers between the ages of 14 and 39. In 2016, the Indiana Youth Institute reported that more than one in five Hoosier middle and high school students self-reported that they have experienced or currently have had recent suicide ideations. In 2016 alone, Indiana lost 1,042 Hoosiers to suicide. Studies show that the number of non-fatal suicide behaviors are often 40x (or more) the number of actual deaths by suicide. Hoosiers who experience non-fatal suicide behaviors number more than 40,000. In 2018, more than 18,000,000 million incidents of suicidal ideation occurred in the Hoosier state. According to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey for 2015, Indiana ranks as #2 in the United States for reported suicide ideation among teenagers. The range for Hoosiers in 2016 that show non-fatal suicide behaviors is 41,680 - 104,200 (40x-100x# of suicides). There were more than likely 18,000,000+ incidents of a Hoosier experiencing a suicidal ideation (Studies suggest that population experiences suicide ideation 3x the population size) in 2018.
Indiana is committed to a bold and aspirational goal of zero suicides among Hoosiers. In 2017, the Indiana General Assembly passed and the governor signed House Enrolled Act 1430. As a result, the Division of Mental Health and Addiction hired a statewide suicide prevention coordinator. Working with stakeholders across the Hoosier state, the Indiana Suicide Prevention Framework and toolkit were created and adopted. The purpose of the framework and toolkit is to create goals and objectives to achieve the goal of zero suicides. DMHA has allocated more than $1 million from the Mental Health Block Grant to the creation and strengthening of existing infrastructure for suicide prevention throughout the state. The suicide prevention coordinator facilitates the Indiana Suicide Prevention Network advisory council and participates in the Indiana Suicide Prevention Network as well as Indiana Suicide Prevention Coalition activities.
If you are interested in getting involved with suicide prevention in your community or are looking to connect to services, contact Christopher Drapeau.