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LexisNexis Online Legal Research


LexisNexis is available to all trial court judicial officers of courts of record and circuit court clerks in the state of Indiana. Moreover, Court Technology has secured favorable pricing for other Indiana state and local government agencies. LexisNexis is a major provider of information services to the legal marketplace. The company's online offerings under the Court Technology contract provides state employees and other qualified users access to a wealth of useful information, including:

  • Instant access to cases, statutes, Shepard's, newspapers, law review articles
  • Nexis news service
  • The "Indiana Secondary" package, which includes:
    • Indiana Civil Pattern Jury Instructions
    • Indiana Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions
    • Matthew Bender's Appellate Handbook for Indiana Lawyers
    • Matthew Bender's Indiana Evidence Courtroom Manual
    • Matthew Bender's Indiana Litigation Checklists
    • Matthew Bender's Indiana Pleading and Practice with Forms
    • Matthew Bender's Indiana Search and Seizure
    • Matthew Bender's Indiana Trial Evidence Manual
    • Matthew Bender's Midwest Transaction guides for business, estates, family, and real estate

LexisNexis logo.

Martindale-Hubbell logo.

Shepard's logo.

What is LexisNexis?

LexisNexis is one of the largest on-line libraries of State and Federal primary law including case law, statutes and administrative/regulatory material. Additionally, the Nexis portion of the program offers access to an unparalleled collection of domestic and international news sources. Finally, as the exclusive home of the Shepard's citations service and with the Michie and Matthew Bender line of treatises, LexisNexis is also a global leader in secondary law coverage. For a complete summary of the services offered, feel free to browse their website at

Frequently Asked Questions About LexisNexis Offer

Who is eligible to have LexisNexis access? All trial court judicial officers of courts of record and small claims courts. However, prior to receiving a password for access, judges are strongly encouraged to participate in a training session conducted by LexisNexis.

What do I do if I am a judge or clerk and I want my staff to have access? You will have to sign an agreement with LexisNexis and pay for their access in the same manner as any government employee taking advantage of the rate secured by Court Technology.

Who is eligible to have LexisNexis at the rate negotiated by Court Technology? All Indiana state and local government employees are eligible to purchase LexisNexis at the rate negotiated by Court Technology on a per month per person rate.

What is included in the LexisNexis package? The Indiana Supreme Court chose the most comprehensive flat rate plan available from LexisNexis. View a list that represents the highlights of the materials included in the LEXIS All Services Flat-Rate Library.
For more information, please contact Lexis.

Can I access databases that are not included in the plan? If your subscription is being paid by Court Technology the answer is no. If your subscription is not being paid by Court Technology, the option is up to you; and of course, you will have to pay extra to access those services.

What do I do if I am already using Westlaw or a similar service? If you have a contract with Westlaw or some other service, Court Technology cannot provide you any relief under your existing agreement. In other words, you will have to review your contract and determine your rights and obligations under your contract. Having access to more than one service may be a viable option for you.

What do I do if I am already using LexisNexis? If you already have a contract with LexisNexis, Court Technology cannot provide you any relief under your existing agreement. In other words, you will have to review your contract and determine your rights and obligations under your contract. Given the recent nature of our agreement with LexisNexis, you may wish to contact LexisNexis to possibly negotiate a reduced price more in line with the terms of Court Technology's contract, but you should be aware that LexisNexis is under no obligation to do so.

What if I want to use another provider of services? There is nothing that precludes you from continuing your relationship or establishing a new relationship with another provider of online services. Court Technology, however, will only pay for LexisNexis.

What if I want to negotiate my own rate with LexisNexis? There is nothing that precludes you from attempting to secure a better rate with LexisNexis. From a practical standpoint, it seems unlikely that you will be able to secure a better rate. However, for those entities that need regular access to specialized databases not included in the plan secured by the Court, you may want to consider negotiating a favorable rate.

How long does this agreement last? The initial two-year agreement was signed in September 2001 and has been renewed each year since that time.

If I am a judicial officer of a court of record or circuit court, how do I obtain my LexisNexis password to be paid by Court Technology? Please contact, Mary Kronoshek at 317-234-2710 or

If I am a government employee, how can I get this rate?

  1. Contact Lexis.
  2. Determine if you want to turn off the extra databases.
  3. Sign the agreement.

How can I learn more about LexisNexis? You can learn more about this company online at:

Are senior judges eligible? Senior judges are eligible on a case-by-case basis, and should apply for consideration with Court Technology. To do so, please contact Mary DePrez at:

How do I access LexisNexis, or get training? LexisNexis is accessible via the Internet, using a web browser. One of Court Technology's earlier projects was to provide new computers to all trial court judges and county clerks who do not have computers or have outdated ones. This project also provided, again for free, one year of Internet access and email accounts for all judges and county clerks. For those who have taken advantage of these programs, it is a simple matter to reach LexisNexis' webpage.  Also, contact the LexisNexis representative to schedule training.

Contact LexisNexis

Tammy Nortman
