1858-1958 Elkhart centennial souvenir program (Elkhart, Ind. : Centennial Committee, 1958)
977.201 E43s, copy located in closed stacks
Amish country, northern Indiana travel planner (Elkhart County Convention & Visitors Bureau, 1998)
977.201 E43a, copy located in closed stacks
Around Nappanee: Hometowns of the Heritage Trail (Amy Wenger, Images of America series, 2003)
977.201 E43znwe, copy located at IND REF
Be a part of tomorrow in-- Elkhart, Indiana (Windsor Publications , 1972)
977.201 E43zew, copies located in closed stacks
Board study report concerning school enrollments, building utilization, greater integration, affirmative action, inservice, and curriculum (Elkhart Board of School Trustees, 1979)
977.201 E43elc, copies located in closed stacks
Business resource guide (Greater Elkhart Chamber of Commerce)
977.201 E43gb, copies located at IND REF, library has 1998-2004
The City with a Heart (Elkhart Public schools, 1958 and 1980)
977.201 E43zee, copy located at IND REF
Cross-roads stories about Nappanee (James Lamar Weygand, 1946)
977.201 E43nwc, copies located in closed stacks
Elkhart County Historical Society, Inc Newsletter
977.201 E43ech, copies located in closed stacks, newsletter, library has 1984-1987
Elkhart County, Indiana at work and play (Greater Elkhart Chamber of Commerce, 1997)
977.201 E43eci, copy located at IND REF
Elkhart County, Indiana index of names of persons and of firms
977.201 E43z, copy located at IND REF
also available online through FamilySearch
Elkhart County year book, 1959: a resume of rural affairs in Elkhart County, Indiana: supplemented by data from non-agricultural organizations and much statistical information about the county (Elkhart County Agricultural Society Project Committee, 1959)
977.201 E43ey, copy located in closed stacks
Elkhart, Indiana (Amy Wenger, Images of America series, 2002)
977.201 E43zewe, copy located at IND REF
Elkhart a pictorial history (George E. Riebs, 1990)
[q] ISLI 977.201 E43zer, copy located at IND REF Quarto
Elkhart remembered, volume 1 (South Bend Tribune, 2004)
977.201 E43zeer, copy located at IND REF
The Elkhart Truth 100 Pages from our Past (Elkhart Truth, 1989)
[q] ISLI 977.201 E43zet, copy located at IND REF Quarto
Elkhartans in 1880: sketches for a portrait (Martha M. Pickrell, 1979)
977.201 E43pie, copy located at IND REF
Goshen, Indiana (Golden Rule Press , 1968, 1972, 1979)
977.201 E43zgg, copy located at IND REF
Goshen --the next 10 years, 1981-1991(News Print Co., 1991)
977.201 E43zggo, copy located at IND REF
Goshen sesquicentennial edition, 1831-1981 (News printing Co., 1981)
977.201 E43zggs, copy located at IND REF
Goshen, Indiana having a wonderful time--wish you were here! (Dean L. Henry, 1990)
977.201 E43zgh, copy located at IND REF
Goshen-- the maple city (Holly Stephens, 1998)
977.201 E43zgs, copy located at IND REF
Greetings ...from home dedicated to the men and women in the armed services from Nappanee, Indiana and community (Nappanee Post No. 154, The American Legion, Peterson Printing, 1944)
977.201 E43ng, copy located at IND REF
Guide to sources on Elkhart County history at the Elkhart County Historical Museum, Bristol, Indiana (Elkhart County Historical Museum, 1999)
977.201 E43eg, copy located at IND REF
Heritage Trail adventures: Northern Indiana, 2016 area guide (Elkhart County Convention & Visitors Bureau Inc., 2016)
977.201 E43he, copy located in closed stacks
History of Elkhart county, Indiana; together with sketches of its cities, villages and townships, educational, religious, civil, military, and political history; portraits of prominent persons, and biographies of representative citizens; history of Indiana (Chapman and Co., 1881)
977.201 E43h, originals located in closed stacks, please use film located at Reel 35 no. 129 and fiche F-2299; or use the reprint located at IND REF, also available online
Industrial Nappanee ... commercial, historical, biographical (Nappanee News, 1905)
[f] ISLI 977.201 E43znn, copy located in closed stacks, Folio
Journey into the past history of Olive Township, Elkhart County, Indiana (Vicki L. Brown Comstock, 2001)
977.201 E43xoc, copy located at IND REF
Living in Elkhart; community living course, ninth grade (Lenna A. Neds, Elkhart Public Schools, 1944)
977.201 E43nl, copies located in closed stacks
Lost Communities of Western Elkhart and Eastern St. Joseph Counties of Indiana (Marcia Brenneman, 2010)
977.201 E43bm, copy located at IND REF
The Manual of Elkhart: containing views of public buildings, manufactures, stores, churches and private residences, a description of the business interest of the city (George W. Butler, 1889)
977.201 E43b, original located in closed stacks, reprint available at IND REF, also available online
The Manual of Goshen: containing views of public buildings, manufactures, business houses, churches and private residences, a description of the business interest of the city (Butler and Knox, 1889)
977.201 E43bb, copy located at IND REF
Middlebury Independent, June 18, 1936 - Historical edition
[q] ISLI 977.201 E43m, copy located in closed stacks, Quarto
Middlebury the town beautiful, 1836-1986 (Middlebury Public Library, 1986)
977.201 E43zmm, copy located at IND REF
Mills of Wakarusa (Marcia Brenneman, 2010)
977.201 E43zwbm, copy located at IND REF
New Paris, Indiana, 1836-1986 (New Paris Sesquicentennial, Historic Book Committee, 1986)
977.201 E43znen, copy located at IND REF
Newsletter (Goshen Historical Society)
977.201 E43zgn, copies located at IND REF, library has 1986-
Pictorial and biographical memoirs of Elkhart and St. Joseph counties, Indiana, together with biographies of many prominent men of northern Indiana and of the whole state, both living and dead (Goodspeed brothers, 1893)
977.201 E43p, originals located in closed stacks, please use reprint located at IND REF, also available online
The Picture Story: Elkhart Indiana centennial, 1858-1958 (Baxter Camera Shop, 1958?)
977.201 E43pic, copy located in closed stacks
Pioneer History of Elkhart County, Indiana, with sketches and stories (Henry Sager Knapp Bartholomew, 1930)
977.201 E43ba, copy located at IND REF, also on film at LH11841
A Portfolio of Drawings of Elkhart and Vicinity (Amos G. Gott, part of a series of drawings that have appeared in the Elkhart Truth)
977.201 E43po, copy located in closed stacks
A Standard History of Elkhart County, Indiana; an authentic narrative of the past, with particular attention to the modern era in commercial, industrial, educational, civic and social development (Abraham Weaver, 1916)
977.201 E43w V.1 & V. 2, originals located in closed stacks, please use reprint located at IND REF, also available online
Volume 1
Volume 2
Stories and Sketches of Elkhart County (Henry Sager Knapp Bartholomew, 1936)
977.201 E43bs, copy located at IND REF
Tales of a Hoosier Village a History of Bristol, Indiana (Jean Ann young, 1988)
977.201 E43zbt, copy located at IND REF
Taproots of Elkhart History (Emil V. Anderson, Elkhart Daily Truth, 1949)
977.201 E43t, copy located at IND REF
They called it Nappanee (James Lamar Weygand, 1945)
977.201 E43nw, copies located in closed stacks
They called it Nappanee; a history 1874-1974 (James Lamar Weygand, 1974)
977.201 E43znw, copy located at IND REF
Twentieth Century Goshen, illustrated history edition (Goshen Daily News, 1901)
[f] ISLI 977.201 E43g, copy located in closed stacks, Folio
A Twentieth Century History and Biographical Record of Elkhart County, Indiana (Anthony Deahl, 1905)
977.201 E43d, original located in closed stacks, please use film at F2297 and Reel 21 No 78, also available online
Wakarusa Community Newsletter
977.201 E43zwa, copies located in closed stacks, library has 2005-
A Walk Down Main Street (Goshen Historical Society, 1990?)
IND VHS 977.201 E43zgwa, copy located in closed stacks, videocassette
Waterford From Then to Now (Lowell Bechtel, 1993)
977.201 E43zwb, copy located at IND REF
Women in Elkhart a century ago (Martha M. Prickell, 1978)
977.201 E43pi, copy located at IND REF
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