County maps, atlases, and plat books can be retrieved by filling out a call slip for each item that you need and presenting it at the second floor reference desk. In addition to the call number and title, please indicate on the call slip the size of map you are requesting (large, small, or dissected).
912.772 IHoK68r (1868) [small map]
Title: Birds eye view of the city of Kokomo, Howard Co., Indiana 1868
Author: A. Rugor
Published: Chicago : Merchants Lithographing Co., [1868]
977.201 H853k 1976 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Combination atlas map of Howard County, Indiana / compiled, drawn, and published from personal examinations and surveys by Kingman Brothers.
Author: Kingman Brothers (Firm).
Published: Knightstown, Ind. : The Bookmark, 1976.
Reprint of Combination atlas map of Howard County, Indiana, 1877
Full image available online
912.772 H848 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Combination atlas map of Howard county, Indiana.
Author: Kingman Brothers, Chicago.
Published: [Chicago], 1877.
[Map Rm-d] ISLZ 912.772 IHo99 (1899) [DISSECTED]
Title: Sectional map of Howard County, Indiana
Published: Ellsworth Hunt, 1899
Property owners indicated
Full image available online
I912.772 IHo06c (1906) [large map]
Title: Map of Howard co., Ind.
Author: Clark, C. B. F.
Published: Kokomo, Ind., 1906.
Property owners indicated.
I912.772 IHo 09u (1909) [small map]
Title: Map of Howard county showing rural delivery service.
Author: U.S.--Post office department.
Published: Wash., 1909.
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
I912.772 IHo17 [Large map]
Title: Map of Howard county.
Author: Clark, C. B. F.
Published: Kokomo, 1917.
Property owners indicated.
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
IR912.772 I385hp [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Hixson, W.W. & co.
Published: Rockford, Ill. : W.W. Hixson & co., [1920].
Material: 6 volumes; 21 cm x 28 cm.
Note: Maps which incorporate US highway numbering system were probably published after October 1, 1926, the date when that system went into effect in Indiana; plat books contain no publication dates and may not be available for all counties.
I912.772 I385hp2 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Sidwell studio, Lombard, Illinois.
Published: Lombard, Ill. : Sidwell studio, [1925-1941].
Material: [92 pts.]; 21 x 28 cm.
Note: plat books contain no publication dates
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
I912.772 IHo33e (1933) [small map]
Title: Map of Howard County, Ind.
Author: Howard County (Ind.)--Engineer.
Published: 1933.
I912.772 IHo36?r (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Howard county. Road.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
I912.772 IHo36?c (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Howard county. Cultural.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
I912.772 IHo37g (1937) [large map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Howard County, Indiana.
Author: Indiana--State Highway Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis], 1937.
I912.772 IHo4-?u (194-?) [large map]
Title: Map of Howard County, Indiana, showing rural delivery service.
Author: U.S.--Post Office Dept.
Published: [Washington, D.C., 194-].
I912.772 IHo49i (1949) [large map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Howard County, Indiana.
Author: Indiana--State Highway Commission.
Published: 1937.
I912.772 IHo58r (1958) [small map]
Title: Road numbering system, Howard county, Indiana.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.]
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich.,, 1963?], c1958.
I912.772 IHoK6-?w (196-?) [small map]
Title: Kokomo, Indiana.
Author: Western States Map Company, Portland, Ore.
Published: Portland, Ore, [196-?].
IR912.772 H848r [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Tri-annual atlas & plat book, Howard County, Indiana.
Author: Rockford Map Publishers.
Published: Rockford, Rockford Map Publishers.
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IHo65rn (1965)
Title: Road numbering system, Howard County, Indiana
Published: Kokomo, Ind. : City-County Plan Commission, 1965
I912.772 IHo65r (1965) [small map]
Title: Road numbering system, Howard county, Indiana.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.]
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich., 1966?], c1965.
I912.772 IHo65ra (1965) [small map]
Title: Road numbering system, Howard county, Indiana.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.]
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich., 1969?], c1965.
I912.772 IHo65rb (1965) [small map]
Title: Road numbering system, Howard county, Indiana.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.]
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich., 1972?] c1965.
IR912.772 H848c [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Howard county, Indiana, official farm plat book and directory.
Author: County Plat & Directory Co.
Published: LaPorte, Ind., [1966?].
I912.772 IHo72t (1972) [small map]
Title: Maps of Howard County and Kokomo; the city on the grow. Compliments of Union Bank Kokomo.
Author: Twin Publishing Co.
Published: Decatur, Ill., c1972.
I912.772 IHo76?a (1976?) [small map]
Title: Historical places in Howard County, Indiana.
Author: Armstrong, M. Glenwood.
Published: [Indiana? : s.n., 1976?].
Edition: Scale not given.
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IHoK82s (1982)
Title: Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana : with special feature Grissom Air Force Base
Published: Seeger Map Co., [between 1982 and 1987?]
I912.772 IHo82 (1982) [small map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Howard County, Indiana / prepared by the Division of Planning, Indiana Department of Highways in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Author: Indiana. Dept. of Highways. Division of Planning.
Published: Indianapolis, Ind. : The Division, [1982].
Edition: Scale [1:160,000] ; Polyconic proj.
IR912.772 H848hp 1982 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Howard County, Indiana, 1982 plat book.
Author: Town & Country Publishing Co.
Published: La Porte, Ind. : Town & Country Publishing Co., 1980.
Edition: Scales vary.
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IHoK82s (1982)
Title: Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana : with special feature Grissom Air Force Base
Published: Seeger Map Co., [between 1982 and 1987?]
IR912.772 H848hp 1988 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Howard County, Indiana, official plat book, 1989.
Author: Town & Country Publications.
Published: LaPorte, Ind. : Town & Country Publications, c1988.
Edition: Scales vary.
I912.772 IHoK89s (1989) [small map]
Title: Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana : with special feature Grissom Air Force Base.
Author: Seeger Map Co.
Published: [Chicago] : Rand McNally, c1989.
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:23,000].
Scale [ca. 1:85,000].
912.772 IHoK89se (1989) [small map]
Title:Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana : including Grissom Air Force Base
Published: Rand McNally, c1989.
I912.772 IHoK97p (1997) [small map]
Title: Kokomo, Indiana.
Author: Progressive Publishing.
Published: Bloomingdale, Ill. : Progressive Publishing ; Kokomo, Ind. : distributed by Kokomo/Howard County Chamber of Commerce, c1997.
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:21,120].
IR912.772 H848a [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Howard County, Indiana 1998 plat book : city street maps, index of owners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: LaPorte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c1998.
Edition: 3rd ed.
Scales differ.
I912.772 IHoK99u (1999) [small map]
Title: Kokomo, Indiana streetmap : including Greentown, Howard County, Russiaville : featuring Grissom Air Force Base.
Author: Universal Map (Firm).
Published: Williamston, MI : Universal Map, [1999?].
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:32,500].
I912.772 IHoK99s (1999) [small map]
Title: Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana city map : including Greentown, Grissom Air Force Base, Russiaville.
Author: Seeger Map Co.
Published: Racine, WI : Seeger Map Co. ; [Skokie, Ill.] : Rand McNally, c1999.
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:32,700].
IR912.772 H848a 2000 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Howard County, Indiana 2000 plat book : county highway map, city street maps, index of owners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: LaPorte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c2000.
Edition: 4th ed.
Scales differ.
I912.772 IHoK01v (2001) [small map]
Title: Kokomo, Indiana.
Author: (Firm).
Published: Elgin, IL : ; Kokomo, IN : Kokomo/Howard County Chamber of Commerce, c2001.
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:25,344].
IR912.772 H848a 2003 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Howard County, Indiana 2003 plat book : county highway map, township maps, city street maps, index of landowners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: La Porte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c2003.
Edition: 6th ed.
Scales differ.
IR912.772 H848a 2011 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Howard County, Indiana 2011 plat book : county highway map, township maps, city street maps, index of landowners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: La Porte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c2010.
Edition: 10th ed.
Scales differ.
912.772 H848hp 2015 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Howard County, Indiana 2015 plat book : county highway map, township maps, city street maps, index of landowners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: La Porte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c2014.
Edition: 12th ed.
Scales differ.
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