County maps, atlases, and plat books can be retrieved by filling out a call slip for each item that you need and presenting it at the second floor reference desk. In addition to the call number and title, please indicate on the call slip the size of map you are requesting (large, small, or dissected).
[Map Rm-L] ISLZ 912.772 IMR60H
Title: Map of Morgan county, Indiana
Author: Jeremiah Hadly
Published: Cincinnati : G.A. Menzel & Co., 1860
Property owners indicated
Full image available online
I912.772 IMr75c (1875) [small map]
Title: Map of Morgan county, Indiana ...
Author: Currie, G. H.
Published: Philadelphia : W.W. Richie, 1875.
Property owners indicated.
Full image available online
[Map Rm-L] ISLZ 912.772 IMR97 (1897) [dissected map]
Title: Morgan County, Ind.
Author: W.F. Cottingham
Published: [Martinsville, Ind.] 1897
Property owners indicated
Full image available online
I912.772 IMr 08 (1908) [small map]
Title: Morgan County, Indiana.
Author: Shedd & Wright Mfg. Co.
Published: Austin, Minn., c1908.
[Map Rm-L] ISLZ 912.772 IMr09 (1909) pt. 1 and 2 [large map]
Title: Morgan County Indiana
Published: Earl O. Gilbert & C.G.H. Goss
Property owners indicated
Full image available online
I912.772 IMr 11u (1911) [large map]
Title: Map of Morgan county showing rural delivery service.
Author: U.S.--Post office department.
Published: Wash., 1911.
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
[Map Rm-L] ISLZ 912.772 IMr16 (1916) Pt.1 and 2 [large map]
Title: Morgan county, Ind.
Author: Finney's (G. E.) sons, pub.
Published: Martinsville, Ind., 1916.
Property owners indicated.
Full image available online
IR912.772 I385hp [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Hixson, W.W. & co.
Published: Rockford, Ill. : W.W. Hixson & co., [1920].
Material: 6 volumes; 21 cm x 28 cm.
Note: Maps which incorporate US highway numbering system were probably published after October 1, 1926, the date when that system went into effect in Indiana; plat books contain no publication dates and may not be available for all counties.
[Map Rm-OS] ISLZ 912.772 IMr23 (1923) [oversized map]
Title: Morgan County, Ind.
Published: Molinelli, C.
Property owners indicated
Full image available online
I912.772 I385hp2 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Sidwell studio, Lombard, Illinois.
Published: Lombard, Ill. : Sidwell studio, [1925-1941].
Material: [92 pts.]; 21 x 28 cm.
Note: plat books contain no publication dates
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
I912.772 IMrM26m (1926) [large map]
Title: Precinct map of Martinsville, Ind.
Author: Molinelli, C.
Published: C. Molinelli, 1926.
I912.772 IMr33?m (1933?) [small map]
Title: [Morgan county map].
Author: [Miles, R. W.].
Published: Martinsville, Ind. : Morgan county abstract co., [1933?].
I912.772 IMr36?r (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Morgan county. Road.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
I912.772 IMr36?c (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Morgan county. Cultural.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
I912.772 IMr4-?u (194-?) [large map]
Title: [Map of] Morgan County, Indiana, showing rural delivery service.
Author: U.S.--Post Office Dept.
Published: [Washington, D.C., 194-].
I912.772 IMr40p (1940) [large map]
Title: ... Land use map, preliminary.
Author: Morgan County (Ind.) Land Use Planning Committee.
Published: 1940.
I912.772 IMr49i (1949) [large map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Morgan County, Indiana.
Author: Indiana--State Highway Commission.
I912.772 IMrM62?r (1962?) [small map]
Title: Martinsville, Indiana. Author: Robinson Directories, Inc. Published: Hillsdale, Mich., [1962?]
I912.772 IMrM66r (1966) [small map]
Title: Martinsville, Indiana.
Author: Robinson Directories, Inc.
Published: Hillsdale, Mich., 1966.
I912.772 ImrM69r (1969) [small map]
Title: Martinsville, Indiana.
Author: Robinson Directories, Inc.
Published: Hillsdale, Mich., 1969.
IR912.772 M847r [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Triennial atlas & plat book, Morgan County, Indiana.
Author: Rockford Map Publishers, Rockford, Ill.
Published: Rockford, Ill.
I912.772 IMrM71r (1971) [small map]
Title: Martinsville, Indiana.
Author: Robinson Directories, Inc.
Published: Hillsdale, Mich., 1971.
I912.772 IMrMo72k (1972) [small map]
Title: City map of Mooresville, Indiana.
Author: Klooz, C. J.
Published: Columbus, Ind. : Columbus Reproduction & Supply Co., c1972.
I912.772 IMr74i (1974) [small map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Morgan County, Indiana.
Author: Highways, Department of
Published: [Indianapolis, Ind.] : State Highway Department of Indiana, Planning Division, 1974.
I912.772 IMrM74r (1974) [small map]
Title: ...Martinsville, Indiana.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.].
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich.], 1974.
I912.772 IMrMo74r (1974) [small map]
Title: City map of Mooresville, Indiana.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.]
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich.], 1974.
I912.772 IMrM76r (1976) [small map]
Title: ... Martinsville, Indiana.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.]
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich.], 1976.
I912.772 IMr97k (1977) [small map]
Title: Road map of Morgan County, Indiana : adopted October 5, 1964 / map prepared by C.J. Klooz, Columbus Reproduction & Supply Co. and assisted by Charles Miller, Morgan County Highway Engr.
Author: Klooz, C. J.
Published: Columbus, Ind. : The Company, 1977.
Edition: Rev. ... Dec. 21, 1977.
Scale [ca. 1:80,000].
I912.772 IMrMo77r (1977) [small map]
Title: City map of Mooresville, Indiana.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.]
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich.], 1977.
I912.772 IMr77?i (1977?) [small map]
Title: Morgan-Monroe State Forest : back country area map.
Author: Indiana. Division of Forestry.
Published: Indianapolis : Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, [1977?].
I912.772 IMr79 (1979) [small map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Morgan County, Indiana / prepared by the Division of Planning, Indiana Department of Highways in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
Author: Indiana. State Highway Commission (1961-1981).
Published: Indianapolis, Ind. : The Commission, [1979].
Edition: Scale [1:160,000] ; Polyconic proj.
I912.772 IMrM81c (1981) [small map]
Title: Martinsville & Morgan Co. map.
Author: City and County Map Service.
Published: Hamilton, Ohio : The Service, c1981.
Edition: Scale not given.
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IMr87k (1987) [small map]
Title: Road map of Morgan County, Indiana : adopted October 5, 1964; Revised September 8, 1987
Author: C.J. Klooz
Published: Columbus Reproduction & Supply Co., 1987
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IMrM89p (1989) [small map]
Title: Map of Martinsville, IN
Published: Printing Services
IR912.772 M847m [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Morgan County, Indiana, official plat book, 1990.
Author: Town & Country Publications.
Published: LaPorte, IN : Town & Country Publications, c1989.
Edition: Scales vary.
I912.772 IMrM96k (1996) [small map]
Title: City map of Martinsville, Indiana / map prepared by C.J. Klooz, Columbus Reproduction & Supply Co.
Author: Klooz, C. J.
Published: Columbus, Ind. : The Company, 1996.
Edition: Rev. 7-24-96.
Scale [ca. 1:15,840].
I912.772 IMrMo96k (1996) [small map]
Title: City map of Mooresville, Indiana / map drawn by C.J. Klooz, Columbus Reproduction & Supply Co.
Author: Klooz, C. J.
Published: Columbus, Ind. : The Company, 1996.
Edition: Rev. 7-24-96.
Scale not given.
IR912.772 M847a [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Morgan County, Indiana 1997 plat book : city street maps, index of owners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: LaPorte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c1997.
Edition: 2nd ed.
Scales differ.
I912.772 IMr98?r (1998?) [small map]
Title: Morgan County map.
Author: Reuter Publishing.
Published: [S.l.] : Reuter Pub., [1998?].
Edition: Scale not given.
I912.772 IMrMo00c (2000) [small map]
Title: Mooresville, Indiana.
Author: Community Graphics Incorporated.
Published: Gas City, Ind. : Community Graphics Incorporated, 2000.
Edition: Scale not given.
ISLI 912.772 M847g 2001 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Morgan County, plat directory, Indiana
Published: Great Mid-Western Publishing Co., 2001
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IMr01m (2001) [small map]
Title: Map of Morgan County with Martinsville & Mooresville, Indiana : happy to help you find your way around!
Published: Mass Marketing Inc.
IR912.772 M847a 2002 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Morgan County, Indiana 2003 plat book : county highway map, township maps, city street maps, index of landowners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: LaPorte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c2002.
Edition: 5th ed.
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IMr06m (2006) [small map]
Title: Map of Martinsville and Mooresville, Indiana : happy to help you find your way around!
Published: Mass Marketing, Inc
IR912.772 M847a 2010 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Morgan County, Indiana 2010 plat book : county highway map, township maps, city street maps, index of landowners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: LaPorte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c2010.
Edition: 9th ed.
Scales differ.
912.772 M847a 2010 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Morgan County, Indiana 2012 plat book : county highway map, township maps, city street maps, index of landowners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: LaPorte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c2011.
Edition: 10th ed.
912.772 M847a 2014 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Morgan County, Indiana 2014 plat book : county highway map, township maps, city street maps, index of landowners.
Author: Athentic, Inc.
Published: LaPorte, IN : Athentic, Inc., c2013.
Edition: 11th ed.
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