County maps, atlases, and plat books can be retrieved by filling out a call slip for each item that you need and presenting it at the second floor reference desk. In addition to the call number and title, please indicate on the call slip the size of map you are requesting (large, small, or dissected).
IRf912.772 P462b [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: 1861 atlas by townships from the Map of Perry County, Indiana : complete new index to landowners showing the townships, sections, divisions, & farm lands, with the owners names and number of acres, compiled and drawn from the congressional and original surveys, the public records, & surveys made for the purpose, together with roads, rivers, creeks, railroads / sponsored by the Tell City Historical Society.
Author: Bookmark (Firm).
Published: Knightstown, Ind. : Bookmark, c1975.
Reprint of Map of Perry county, Indiana, showing the townships, sections, divisions and farm lands with the owners names and number of acres, together with roads, rivers, creeks, railroads, etc., 1861.
Microfilm: AGLL Reel 1.
912.772 IPe61m (1861) [large map]
Title: Map of Perry county, Indiana, showing the townships, sections, divisions and farm lands with the owners names and number of acres, together with roads, rivers, creeks, railroads, etc.
Author: O'Beirne, P. and Company.
Published: New York, 1861
Property owners indicated.
Full image available online
912.772 IPeT70?h (1870?) [small map]
Title: View of Tell City, Perry County, Indiana : Praemie zum Tell City Anzeiger
Author: A. Hinnen
Published: G.F. Bott, [187-?]
912.772 IPeT92m (1892) [large map]
Title: Map of Tell City, Perry county, Indiana.
Author: Minto, George.
Published: St. Louis : Aug. Gast bank note & litho. company, 1892.
Full image available online
Map of Perry County Indiana
(ISL does not own)
Property owners indicated
Full image available online
IR912.772 I385hp [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Hixson, W.W. & co.
Published: Rockford, Ill. : W.W. Hixson & co., [1920].
Material: 6 volumes; 21 cm x 28 cm.
Note: Maps which incorporate US highway numbering system were probably published after October 1, 1926, the date when that system went into effect in Indiana; plat books contain no publication dates and may not be available for all counties.
I912.772 I385hp2 [Indiana Division monograph collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Sidwell studio, Lombard, Illinois.
Published: Lombard, Ill. : Sidwell studio, [1925-1941].
Material: [92 pts.]; 21 x 28 cm.
Note: plat books contain no publication dates
Full image available online
I912.772 IPe32p (1932) [small map]
Title: Perry County, Indiana [map].
Author: Perry County, Ind. Surveyor.
Published: [Cannelton, Ind.], 1932.
I912.772 IPe36?r (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Perry county. Road.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
I912.772 IPe36?c (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Perry county. Cultural.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
I912.772 IPeCa4-m (194-) [large map]
Title: Map of Cannelton and extension, Perry County, Ind.
Author: Minto, George.
Published: Louisville, Ky. : Electric Blue Print & Supply Co., [194-?].
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:2,400].
I912.772 IPe4-?u (194-?) [large map]
Title: Rural delivery routes, Perry County, Ind.
Author: U.S.--Post Office Dept.
Published: [Washington, D.C., 194-].
I912.772 IPe40p (1940) [large map]
Title: ... Land use map, preliminary.
Author: Perry County (Ind.) Use Planning Committee.
Published: 1940.
I912.772 IPe49i (1949) [large map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Perry County, Indiana.
Author: Indiana--State Highway Commission.
I912.772 IPeT57k (1957) [small map]
Title: Map of Tell City, Perry County, Indiana.
Author: Kreisle, W. E.
Published: [n.p.], 1957.
I912.772 IPe60 (1960) [small map]
Title: Perry county, Indiana. -The deep south of the Hoosier state ... Map--showing land sections in grid system of townships and ranges, revised by Lloyd Whitmer.
Published: n.p., 1960.
I912.772 IPe62w (1962) [small map]
Title: Drive the parkways of Perry county, Ind.
Author: Whitmer, Lloyd.
Published: Cannelton, Ind. : Progress for Perry County, Inc., c1962.
I912.772 IPe62p (1962) [small map]
Title: Places to pause in Perry County.
Published: [Indiana? : s.n., 1962?].
Edition: Scale ca 1:130,000.
I912.772 IPe70i (1970) [small map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Perry County, Indiana.
Author: State Highway Commission
Published: [Indianapolis, Ind.] : Division of Planning, Indiana State Highway
Commission, 1970.
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IPe70p (1970)
Title: Perry County hunter's map
Published: Perry County Recreation Committee, [between 1970 and 1979?]
I912.772 IPeTr75p (1975) [small map]
Title: Town of Troy, Indiana [map].
Author: Patoka Lake Regional Planning Commission (Ind.)
Published: [Jasper, Ind.], 1975.
I912.772 IPeTr75?pa (1975?) [large map]
Title: Troy, Indiana [map].
Author: [Patoka Lake Regional Planning Commission (Ind.)].
Published: [Jasper, Ind., 1975?].
I912.772 IPe75r (1975) [small map]
Title: Plat map, Perry County, Indiana.
Author: Rockford Map Publishers, Rockford, Ill.
Published: Rockford, Ill., c1975.
Property owners indicated.
IR912.772 P462r [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Atlas & plat book of Perry County, Indiana / sponsored by Perry County Soil & Water Conservation District.
Published: Rockford : Rockford Map Publishers.
I912.772 IPetr75?pc (1975?) [small map]
Title: Community development plan [and] Housing assistance plan, Troy, Perry County, Indiana.
Author: [Patoka Lake Regional Planning Commission (Ind.)].
Published: [Jasper, Ind., 1975?].
I912.772 IPeT75?pc (1975?) [small map]
Title: Community development plan [and] Housing assistance plan, Tell City, Perry County, Indiana.
Author: [Patoka Lake Regional Planning Commission (Ind.)].
Published: [Jasper, Ind., 1975?].
I912.772 IPeCa75p (1975) [large map]
Title: City of Cannelton, Indiana.
Author: Patoka Lake Regional Planning Commission (Ind.)
Published: [Jasper, Ind.], 1975.
I912.772 IPeCa75?pc (1975?) [small map]
Title: Community development plan [and] Housing assistance plan, Cannelton, Perry County, Indiana.
Author: [Patoka Lake Regional Planning Commission (Ind.)].
Published: [Jasper, Ind., 1975?].
I912.772 IPeTr75?pa (1975?) [large map]
Title: Troy, Indiana [map].
Author: [Patoka Lake Regional Planning Commission (Ind.)].
Published: [Jasper, Ind., 1975?].
I912.772 IPeT76t (1976) [small map]
Title: Historical tour of Tell City.
Author: [Tell City Historical Society, Tell City, Ind.].
Published: [Tell City, Ind. : Tell City Historical Society and Tell City News, 1976].
I912.772 IPe76?p (1976?) [small map]
Title: [Perry County, Indiana, map].
Author: [Patoka Lake Regional Planning Commission (Ind.)].
Published: [Jasper, Ind., 1976?].
IR912.772 P462r 1977 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Land atlas & plat book, Perry County, Indiana.
Published: Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers ; Cannelton, Ind. : distributed by Soil & Water Conservation District.
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IPe77r (1977) [small map]
Title: Road map of Perry County, Indiana
Author: C.J. Klooz
Published: Columbus Reproduction & Supply Co., 1977
I912.772 IPe81 (1981) [small map]
Title: Plat map, Perry County, Indiana.
Author: Rockford Map Publishers.
Published: Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers, c1981.
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:50,000].
Property owners indicated.
IR912.772 P462r 1981 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Land atlas & plat book, Perry County, Indiana.
Published: Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers ; Cannelton, Ind. : distributed by Soil & Water Conservation District.
I912.772 IPe82 (1982) [small map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Perry County, Indiana / prepared by the Division of Planning, Indiana Department of Highways in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
Author: Indiana. Dept. of Highways. Division of Planning.
Published: Indianapolis, Ind. : The Division, [1982].
Edition: Scale [1:160,000] ; Polyconic proj.
IR912.772 P462p [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Perry County, Indiana, official plat book, 1988.
Author: Town & Country Publications.
Published: LaPorte, Ind. : Town & Country Publications, c1988.
IR912.772 P462r 1997 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Land atlas & plat book, Perry County, Indiana.
Published: Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers ; Cannelton, Ind. : distributed by Soil & Water Conservation District.
I912.772 IPe99m (1999) [small map]
Title: Ohio River highlands, Perry County, IN : where the rolling hills run down to the river / map drawn by Eddie Mansfield.
Author: Mansfield, Eddie.
Published: Tell City, IN : Perry County Convention and Visitors Bureau, [1999?].
Edition: Scale not given.
I912.772 IPe00v (2000) [small map]
Title: Perry County, Indiana.
Author: (Firm).
Published: Elgin, IL : ; Tell City, IN : distributed by Perry County Chamber of Commerce, c2000.
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:84,480].
912.772 P635g 2011 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Pike County plat directory, Indiana
Author: Great Mid-Western Publishing Company.
Published: Dayton, Ohio : Great Mid-Western Pub. Co., 2011
912.772 P462g 2010 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Perry County plat directory, Indiana
Author: Great Mid-Western Publishing Company.
Published: Dayton, Ohio : Great Mid-Western Pub. Co., 2010
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