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Randolph County Maps

County maps, atlases, and plat books can be retrieved by filling out a call slip for each item that you need and presenting it at the second floor reference desk. In addition to the call number and title, please indicate on the call slip the size of map you are requesting (large, small, or dissected).

[Map Rm-L] ISLZ 912.772 IRa22 (1822) [dissected map]
Title: Map of township 21 in Randolph County, Indiana
Published: Cincinnati : Survyeor's General Office
Full image available online through Indiana Memory 

IR912.772 R192co [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Combined atlas of Randolph County, Indiana : including 1865 wall-map [drawn by C.S. Warner, published] by C.A.O. McClellan & C.S. Warner : 1874 atlas by [D.J. Lake, published by] Griffing, Stevenson & Co. : 1909 plat book published by Northwest Publishing Co. : and historical appendix, information from early gazetteers and old photographs, and the 1876 Indiana atlas.
Published: Knightstown, Ind. : Bookmark, 1980.
Reprint, includes Map of Randolph county, Indiana, 1865.
Microfilm: AGLL Reel 18.

I912.772 IRa65m (1865) [small map]
Title: Map of Randolph county, Indiana from actual survey and drawn by C.S. Warner, assisted by L.C. Warner and S.B. Hayes.
Author: Warner, Carl S.
Published: Waterloo, Ind. : C.A.O. McClellan and C.S. Warner, 1865.
Property owners indicated.
Full image available online

IR912.772 R192co [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Combined atlas of Randolph County, Indiana : including 1865 wall-map [drawn by C.S. Warner, published] by C.A.O. McClellan & C.S. Warner : 1874 atlas by [D.J. Lake, published by] Griffing, Stevenson & Co. : 1909 plat book published by Northwest Publishing Co. : and historical appendix, information from early gazetteers and old photographs, and the 1876 Indiana atlas.
Published: Knightstown, Ind. : Bookmark, 1980.
Reprint, includes Atlas of Randolph county, Indiana, 1874.
Microfilm: AGLL Reel 18.

IR912.772 R192 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Atlas of Randolph county, Indiana. From actual surveys ... to which is added a map of the state of Indiana, also an outline and rail road map of the United States.
Author: Lake, D. J.
Published: Philadelphia : Griffing, Stevenson & Co., 1874.
Microfilm: County Histories of the Old Northwest: Indiana.   Reel 27 No. 97.
Full image available through Ancestry -  “U.S. Indexed County Land Ownership maps 1860-1918”

I912.772 IRaU90c (1890?) [large map]
Title: Union City, Indiana and Ohio.
Published: (1890?).
Property owners indicated.
Full image available online through Indiana Memory

I912.772 IRa92?m (1892?) [small map]
Title: Map of Randolph county, Indiana.
Published: n.p., [1892?].

IR912.772 R192co [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Combined atlas of Randolph County, Indiana : including 1865 wall-map [drawn by C.S. Warner, published] by C.A.O. McClellan & C.S. Warner : 1874 atlas by [D.J. Lake, published by] Griffing, Stevenson & Co. : 1909 plat book published by Northwest Publishing Co. : and historical appendix, information from early gazetteers and old photographs, and the 1876 Indiana atlas.
Published: Knightstown, Ind. : Bookmark, 1980.
Reprint, includes 1909 plat book published by Northwest Publishing Co..
Microfilm: AGLL Reel 18.

I912.772 IRa10u (1910) [large map]
Title: Map of Randolph county showing rural delivery service.
Author: U.S.--Post office department.
Published: Wash., 1910.
Full image available online through Indiana Memory

IR912.772 I385hp [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Hixson, W.W. & co.
Published: Rockford, Ill. : W.W. Hixson & co., [1920].
Material: 6 volumes; 21 cm x 28 cm.
Note: Maps which incorporate US highway numbering system were probably published after October 1, 1926, the date when that system went into effect in Indiana; plat books contain no publication dates and may not be available for all counties.

I912.772 IRaW23g (1923) [large map]
Title: Winchester, Indiana, Union heat, light & power co.
Author: Garman, Harry Otto.
Published: 1923.

912.772 I385hp2 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Sidwell studio, Lombard, Illinois.
Published: Lombard, Ill. : Sidwell studio, [1925-1941].
Material: [92 pts.]; 21 x 28 cm.
Note: plat books contain no publication dates 
Full image available online through Indiana Memory 

I912.772 IRa36?r (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Randolph county. Road.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
Full image available online through Indiana Memory

I912.772 IRa36?c (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Randolph county. Cultural.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
Full image available online through Indiana Memory

I912.772 IRa4-?u (194-?) [large map]
Title: [Map of] Randolph County, Indiana, showing rural delivery service.
Author: U.S.--Post Office Dept.
Published: [Washington, D.C., 194-].

I912.772 IRa49i (1949) [large map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Randolph County, Indiana.
Author: Indiana--State Highway Commission.

I912.772 IRaW65b (1965) [small map]
Title: Winchester, Indiana.
Author: Bower, C. W.
Published: [n.p.], 1965.

IR912.772 R192c [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Randolph county, Indiana, official farm plat book and directory.
Author: County Plat & Directory Co.
Published: LaPorte, Ind., c1966.

IR912.772 R192r [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Biennial farmers atlas & residents directory, Randolph County, Indiana.
Author: Rockford Map Publishers.
Published: Rockford.

I912.772 IRa69r (1969) [small map]
Title: Randolph County map.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.].
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich.], 1969.

I912.772 IRa71i (1971) [small map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Randolph County, Indiana.
Author: State HighwayCommission
Published: [Indianapolis, Ind.] : Division of Planning, Indiana State Highway
Commission, 1971.

I912.772 IRa72r (1972) [small map]
Title: Randolph county, Indiana, map.
Author: [Robinson Directories, Inc.].
Published: [Hillsdale, Mich.], 1972.

I912.772 IRaW80c (1980) [small map]
Title: Winchester, Union City & Randolph County map / courtesy of City & County Map Service.
Author: City and County Map Service.
Published: Hamilton, Ohio : The Service, c1980.
Edition: Scale not given.

I912.772 IRa82 (1982) [small map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Randolph County, Indiana / prepared by the Division of Planning, Indiana Department of Highways in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
Author: Indiana. Dept. of Highways. Division of Planning.
Published: Indianapolis, Ind. : The Division, [1982].
Edition: Scale [1:158,400] ; Polyconic proj.

IR912.772 R192rp 1982 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Randolph County, Indiana, 1982 plat book.
Author: Town & Country Publishing Co.
Published: La Porte, Ind. : Town & Country Publishing Co., c1982.
Edition: Scales vary.

ISLI 912.772 R192g 1989 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Randolph County, Indiana plat directory
Author: Great Mid-Western Publishing Company

IR912.772 R192g [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Randolph County, Indiana, 1995 plat directory.
Author: Great Mid-Western Publishing Company.
Published: Dayton, Ohio : Great Mid-Western Pub. Co., c1995.
Edition: Scales differ.

[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IRaW97c (1997)
Title: Winchester, IN & Union City, IN-OH
Published: Gas City, Indiana : Community Graphics Incorporated, 1997

IR912.772 R192g 1998 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Randolph County plat directory, Indiana.
Author: Great Mid-Western Publishing Company.
Published: Dayton, Ohio : Great Mid-Western Pub. Co. ; Winchester, IN : distributed by Randolph County Soil & Water Conservation District, c1998.
Edition: 1999 ed.
Scales differ.

I912.772 IRaW99c (1999) [small map]
Title: Winchester, Indiana, Union City, Indiana, Union City, Ohio, Randolph County.
Author: Community Graphics Incorporated.
Published: Gas City, Ind. : Community Graphics, c1999.
Edition: Scale not given.

I912.772 IRaW01h (2001) [small map]
Title: Winchester, Indiana, Union City, Indiana, Union City, Ohio, Randolph County / map drawn by S. Hinderliter.
Author: Hinderliter, S.
Published: Tipton, Ind. : Community Graphics, 2001.
Edition: Scale not given.

912.772 R192a [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Randolph County, Indiana 2001 plat book : county highway map, township maps, city street maps, index of landowners.
Published: Athentic, Inc., 2001.
Edition: 1st ed.

[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IRa11m (2011)
Title: Randolph County
Published: Cincinnati, OH : Mass Marketing Inc., [2011]

912.772 R192g 2014 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Randolph County, Indiana 2014 plat book : county highway map, township maps, city street maps, index of landowners.
Published: Athentic, Inc., 2013.
Edition: 7th ed.

ISLI 912.772 R192m 2022  [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: 2022 plat book Randolph County, Indiana
Published: Mapping Solutions, 2022

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