Indiana Memory, a program of the Indiana State Library (ISL) made possible through grant funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, is a statewide digital library that provides access to the aggregated wealth of primary sources in Indiana libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions. With 700,000 items from over 170 partners, Indiana Memory is the state’s premier gateway to Indiana’s history and culture found in digitized books, manuscripts, photographs, newspapers, maps, films, oral histories, and other media.
Indiana Memory’s mission is to create and maintain a digital library that enables free public access to Indiana’s unique cultural and historical heritage. By providing access to the various digital materials available on the Indiana Memory website, the program seeks to enhance education and scholarship regarding Indiana’s past.
An institution can become an Indiana Memory partner in a variety of ways. The easiest way is for the partner to use CONTENTdm for their digital collections, via the Indiana State Library’s statewide CONTENTdm license. ISL can provide partners with a free collection or collections for their digitized materials, which are then added to Indiana Memory. We do not charge any hosting fees for participation.
If an institution is using its own CONTENTdm license or a different collection management software program (like PastPerfect), it can also become an Indiana Memory partner, also at no charge.
The Indiana State Library also provides equipment through our mobile scanning unit lending program. We have an Atiz BookDrive scanner for larger materials such as newspapers and broadsheets and Epson flatbed scanners for any materials smaller than 11x17in. ISL will supply this equipment, along with training in scanning and metadata creation, at no cost to our partners.
Indiana Memory digital collections must meet the provisions of ISL’s digital collection development policy as well as our scanning and metadata guidelines, which can be viewed at
Institutions interested in participating in Indiana Memory should discuss their digitization projects with the State Library before they begin the actual scanning and/or metadata work.
Contact Justin Clark, Digital Initiatives Director of the Indiana State Library, at to schedule an Indiana Memory consultation or ask any questions.
Guidelines and Policies
- Indiana Memory Collection Development Policy (pdf)
- Data Exchange Protocol Form (pdf)
- Digitization Standards (pdf)
- Metadata Standards (pdf)
Mobile Scanning Units
- IM Mobile Scanning Unit Request Form (Word)
- IM Mobile Scanning Units Overview (pdf)
- IM Equipment Release Form (Word)
Indiana Memory DPLA Service Hub Advisory Committee
Justin Clark, Digital Initiatives Director
IHB JC 3-21-2025