This guide points to print and online resources that are helpful in finding historical and current rosters, chronological lists, and some biographical information about state-level office holders and staff.
The Indiana Annual Register and Pocket Manual for the Year… (1845, 1846) edited by C. W. Cady
[Vault] ISLV 910 I385 (1845); ISLI 910 I385A (1846); Use ISLI MICROFICHE F-4437, F-4438; Digital copies available at HathiTrust
Biographical Sketches of the Members of the Forty-first General assembly of the State of Indiana … with that of the State Officers and Judiciary (1861) by James Sutherland
ISLI 923 I385 1861; Digital copy available at HathiTrust
Brief Biographies of the Members of the Indiana State Government; Executive, Judicial, and Legislative (1874-75) published by Indianapolis Sentinel Co.
ISLI 923 I385 1874-5; Digital copy available at Google Books
Biographical sketches of members of the Indiana state government, state and judicial officials, and members of the 51st legislative assembly, 1879 published by Indianapolis Sentinel Co.
ISLI 923 I385 1879-80; Digital copy available at HathiTrust
Moore's Hoosier Cyclopedia: a compilation of statistical, official, historical, political and general information…illustrated with portraits of officials…complete directories of state, county, township and judicial officers (1905) compiled by E.E. Moore
ISLI 328.8 M821; Digital copy available at Internet Archive
Documentary Journals / Annual Reports of the Officers… (1835-1912)
ISLI 328.7 i35; Digital copies (1835-1909) available at Internet Archive
Digital copies (1848-1912) available at HathiTrust
Legislative and State Manual of Indiana (1899-1913) by State Librarian
ISLI 328.8 I385; Library has: 1899, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1913; Digital copies on HathiTrust
Volumes include Official Register of State Officers; Biographies of State Officers now serving;
Official Register of Officers from the Territorial Organization to the Present Time
Year Book of the State of Indiana (1917-1950)
IND.REF. 328.7 IY; Digital copies (1917-1950) available in ISL Digital Collections;
Roster of State and Local Officials… (1928-2004)
IND.REF. 328.8 i385ro; Digital copies (1934-1964) on HathiTrust
Telephone Directory of State of Indiana Offices / State of Indiana Telephone Directory
ISLI 910 I385T; Library has: 1946, 1949, 1952, 1955-1956, 1958, Nov./Dec. 1960-Mar./Apr. 1961, [1965], 1968-1969/70, 1973/74-1974/75, [1976]-[1977], Sept. 1979, 1980-1987, 1988-1990, 1992-1994, 1996-2003
Directory. Indiana. General Assembly. Legislative Services Agency.
ISLI 353.9 D598L 2008
List of All Offices & Current Holders
Note: Click on any office name to see a list of historical office holders.
Women elected officials in Indiana, 1980 (1981) by Indiana Civil Rights Commission
ISLI 323.34 W872
List of Women in Government webpage maintained by the Indiana Commission for Women
A Biographical Directory of the Indiana General Assembly, volume 1, 1816-1899; volume 2, 1901-1984
IND.REF. 920 B615g
Indiana Legislator Database (Contains more than 6700 biographies of past and current Indiana State Senators and Representatives. Much of the information comes from the 2-volumes of A Biographical Directory of the Indiana General Assembly)
Indiana General Assembly. General Assembly Session Rosters covers the years 1816 to the present:
While not an official government website, its creator clearly put a lot of effort into compiling the data.
A Century of Achievement: Black Hoosiers in the Indiana General Assembly. (1986) by Alan F. January, Justin E. Walsh, Select Committee on the Centennial History of the Indiana General Assembly
ISLI 920 J33C
Women in the Indiana General Assembly (Online reports for years 2009, 2010, 2012, 2016) compiled by the Indiana Commission for Women
The Complete List of the Senate and the House of Representatives of Indiana ... Covering 1816-1903. (1903) by Richard T. Burrell
ISLI 353.9 I02; digital copy at Google Books
Indiana (General Assembly) Legislative Directory. Indiana (State) Chamber of Commerce. (1943-present) ISLI 328.8 I385C (current year at Desk Ref); includes portraits and biographical sketches; some digital copies (1951-1987) available at HathiTrust
Indiana Governor History (Complete listing by year of previous Governors, links to portrait with biographical sketch)
The Governors of Indiana (2006) by Linda C. Gugin and James E. St. Clair
ISLI 923 G721
First Ladies of Indiana and the Governors, 1816-1984 (1984) by Margaret Post
ISLI 923 I385po
Governors of Indiana: illustrated (1916) by Charles J. Oval
[q] ISLI 920 O96g; digital copy at Google Books; covers 1816-1916
Justices of the Indiana Supreme Court (2010) by Linda C. Gugin and James E. St. Clair
ISLI & IND.REF. 347.772 J87
Indiana Supreme Court Justices database
Historical listing of Indiana Supreme Court Justices (Sortable, including dates of service, back to 1816))
E-Publication (PDF): Biographies of all Indiana Supreme Court Justices
The Court of Appeals of Indiana (2022) by Linda C. Gugin and James E. St. Clair
ISLI & IND.REF. 347 C862G
Indiana Court of Appeals Judges database
Historical Listing of Court of Appeals Judges (Sortable, including dates of service, dating back to 1891.)
Tax Court of Indiana Judges database (since the 1986 establishment of the state tax court)
Historical Listing of Tax Court Judges
Courts and Lawyers of Indiana by Monks, Esarey, & Shockley (1916)
ISLI/IND.REF. 347.09 M745C;
Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3 digital copies at Internet Archive
Biographical Sketches and Review of the Bench and Bar of Indiana: Containing Biographies and Sketches of Eminent Judges and Lawyers of Indiana, Together with a History of the Judiciary of the State and Review of the Bar from the Earliest Times to the Present, with Anecdotes, Reminiscences, Etc (1895)
ISLI/IND.REF. 347.09 T239b; Digital copy available at HathiTrust
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