Books in the ISL Collection:
ISLI* 308 A214s. A Selection of the Patriotic Addresses to the President of the United States Together with the President’s Answers... John W. Folsom, Boston, 1798.
ISLM 342.73 B393c. Beck, James M. The Constitution of the United States. Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. New York, 1941.
ISLM 342 B627h. Black, Henry Campbell. Handbook of American Constitutional Law. West Publishing Co. Minnesota, 1895.
ISLM 342.73 C964. Cudmore, P. The Civil Government of the States, and the Constitutional History of the United States. P.J. Kenedy; New York, 1875.
ISLM 342.73 F293d. V.1 Dawson, Henry B. The Federalist: A Collection of Essays, Written in Favor of the New Constitution as Agreed Upon by the Federal Convention, September 17, 1787. New York, 1864.
ISLI 342.73 H318c. Harrison, Benjamin. The Constitution and Administration of the United States of America. Nutt; London, 1897.
ISLM 342.73 L271m. Langah, David. Citizen’s Manual of the United States Constitution. D. Langah, Missouri, 1909.
ISLM 342.73 L848g. Long, Breckinridge. Genesis of the Constitution of the United States of America. Macmillan Company; New York, 1926.
ISLM 342.73 M135w. McDonald, Forrest. We the People; the Economic Origins of the Constitution. University of Chicago Press; Illinois, 1958.
ISLM 342.73 S376. Schouler, James. Constitutional Studies, State and Federal. Dodd, Mead, and Co., New York, 1897.
ISLM 342.73 S399r. Schwartz, Bernard. The Reins of Power; a Constitutional History of the United States. Hill and Wang; New York, 1963.
ISLM 342.73 S839. Sterne, Simon. Constitutional History and Political Development of the United States. G.P. Putnam’s Sons; Knickerbocker Press; New York, 1888.
ISLM 342.73 T174s. Tappan, Eva March. The Story of our Constitution. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co.; Boston, 1922.
ISLM 342.73 U58cr. U.S. Constitutional Convention. Credentials of the Members of the Federal Convention.
ISLM 342.73 U58m. U.S.-Constitutional Convention. The Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 Which Framed the Constitution of the United States of America. Oxford University Press; New York, 1920.
ISLM 342.73 W287c2. Warren, Charles M.D. Congress, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court. Little, Brown, and Company; Boston, 1935.
ISLM 342.73 W287m. Warren, Charles M.D. The Making of the Constitution. Little, Brown, and Company; Boston, 1928.
Federal Documents:
Cage p.d. 328 A2. Journal, Acts and Proceedings of the Convention, assembled at Philadelphia Monday, May 14 and Dissolved Monday, September 17, 1787 which Formed the Constitution of the United States. U.S. Constitutional Convention, 1787.
p.d. 328a ar 5-3 En 5-4. Hearing before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services United States Senate Eighty-Seventh Congress Second Session on H.R. 218; An Act Requiring Individuals Enlisted into the Armed Forces to Take an Oath to Defend the Constitution. United States. Committee on Armed Services.
p.d. 342.73 B655s. The Story of the Constitution. United States Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission.
p.d. 342 Un58 v.1. Documentary History of the Constitution of the United States of America 1786-1870. United States. House of Representatives 56th Congress, Second Session. Document No. 529.
p.d. 342.73 Un58c. The Constitution of the United States together with an Account of its Travels since September 17, 1787. Library of Congress; Washington, 1952.
p.d. 342.73 Un58h. History of the Formation of the Union under the Constitution; with Liberty Documents and Report of the Commission. United States Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission.
p.d. 342.73 Un58p pt. 1. The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters and other Organic Laws of the United States. Poore, Perley Ben, Clerk of Printing Records; Washington, 1877.