Welcome to Franklin County Environmental Health
We are here to assist you with septic issues, well information, food establishment inspections, lead assessments, public / semi public swimming pool inspections, vector control and many
other environmental health issues.
Residents in need of a LOW COST LOAN for water well improvements, in-home water treatment, and septic systems: from Great Lakes Community Action Partnership. To obtain an application please call Angie McConnell at 1-800 775-9767 or Email: ammcconnell@glcap.org
You may also review the fact sheet here for further information!
Food Protection Division
The Indiana Food Protection Division, within the Indiana Department of Health, strives to ensure a safe and wholesome food supply throughout the State of Indiana. The Division develops regulations, conducts routine inspections, investigates foodborne illness complaints, and responds to other food emergency incidents. The Food Protection Division participates in cooperative food safety inspection programs with other state, federal, and local agencies.
Food Safety
The Food Safety Section has regulatory authority and conducts inspections, with Food Safety Inspection Officers (FSIOs), of food establishments on state property, manufacturing plants, processors, warehouses, packagers, and transporters and of food products for distribution to another entity for resale or redistribution. The FSIOs also provide training and technical assistance to local health departments, consumers and businesses. The Rapid Response program responds to foodborne illness outbreaks with assessment and investigations. Indiana Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 331 was signed into law on March 15, 2018, with an effective date of July 1, 2018. This law allows IDOH to enter or inspect, at reasonable times, any produce farm that grows, harvests, packs, or holds covered produce as defined by 21 CFR 112 (FSMA Produce Safety Rule) that is intended for human consumption and is subject to 21 CFR 112.
Food Defense
The Food Defense Section provides guidance, with Food Defense Program Coordinators, to Indiana's food retailers, producers, processors, and distributors on how to conduct vulnerability assessments and develop food defense plans. They developed and maintain the Food Emergency Response Plan and work with other entities and programs toward protecting food from intentional acts of contamination. They also manage the Indiana Food Safety and Defense Task Force.
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Health Home Food Protection
Flooded Homes Cleanup Guidance
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Center for Guidance and Tips to Safely Clean Your Flooded Home
Floods are the most common type of natural disaster affecting people across the United States.
Learn about potential hazards in a flooded home.
Flooding can create a range of hazards for you and your family. This video describes some of the common hazards you can find in your home after a flood event.
Visit Protecting Your Health for more information on specific hazards like mold, lead, and asbestos.
It's Tick!
Please check out this site for more information on animal bites.
If you've been bitten by an animal, please complete this form and fax it to the Franklin County Health Department at 765.647.5248.