2025 Program Core Public Health Services, Key Performance Indicators, and Required Metrics for Grant Applications
Health First Indiana (HFI) the State Department of Health’s programmatic name for implementation steps after the release of the Governor’s Public Health Commission findings, identified 22 Core Public Health Services (CPHS). These are service areas local health departments must ensure are completed (or ensure are done by others in their community) if they accept the new HFI funding in 2025. Miami County did accept the new funding and will begin work toward completion of the service areas and their association Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Of the 22 CPHS, the Miami County Department of Health has identified 6 core public health service areas for which it will accept external grant applications for 2025 to allow organizations to request funding to develop a related program/project/activity.
This document lists those 6 CPHS areas, their associated KPIs, and the metrics awardees must collect and submit as part of their grant agreement.
Please see the full 2025 Request for Applications and Guidelines for complete information.
Tobacco Prevention & Cessation
- STATE-REQUIRED KPI: In coordination with a tobacco prevention and cessation coalition, the county or organization must develop and/or implement a comprehensive program to address youth tobacco and addictive nicotine prevention. (Preferably in conjunction with schools or within the school environment) Associated data, overall outcomes, lessons learned, and success stories will be part of the required quarterly report submission criteria.
- QUARTERLY/YEARLY METRICS which will be required by grant awardees in Miami County for this KPI and service area include, but are not limited to:
- Number of students participating in program
- Number of participating schools
- Names of participating schools
- Number of faculty participating in program
- Number of programs provided
Chronic Disease Prevention & Reduction
- STATE-REQUIRED KPI: In partnership with a health-related community coalition, the county or organization must develop and/or implement a comprehensive, evidence-based obesity or obesity-related disease prevention program/activity.
- QUARTERLY/YEARLY METRICS which will be required by grant awardees in Miami County for this KPI and service area include, but are not limited to:
- Number of unique individuals served
- Number of new partnerships created
Trauma & Injury Prevention
- STATE-REQUIRED KPI: The county must identify a leading cause of injury and/or harm in their community and implement a comprehensive, evidence-based program or activity for prevention. For 2025, projects will be considered which address the following leading causes for injury and/or harm:
- Fall Prevention and Education
- Gun Safety and Education
- Opioid Overdose, Substance Use Disorder, and Education and Treatment
- QUARTERLY/YEARLY METRICS which will be required by grant awardees in Miami County for this KPI and service area include, but are not limited to:
- Number of unique individuals served
- Number of programs conducted
- Number of tangible incentives provided, if applicable
Student Health
- STATE-REQUIRED KPI: In partnership with schools and based on community need, the county or organization must develop and implement wellness policies, and comprehensive strategies to promote whole child health, including physical, mental and student health & wellbeing.
- QUARTERLY/YEARLY METRICS which will be required by grant awardees in Miami County for this KPI and service area include, but are not limited to:
- Number of students participating in the program
- Number of participating schools
- Names of participating schools
- Number of programs provided
Maternal & Child Health (you do not need to choose both KPIs for your project)
- STATE-REQUIRED KPI: The county or organization must develop an actual process to refer families to needed services including contraceptive care, WIC, home visiting health, prenatal care, substance use disorder treatment, and insurance navigation. (For this KPI, submissions must address the process for referral, the process for tracking referral follow-up connection to care as able and must include at least one resulting success story submission per quarter of the grant period including the appropriate release of information document/release for use.)
- QUARTERLY/YEARLY METRICS which will be required by grant awardees in Miami County for this KPI and service area include, but are not limited to:
- Number of unique individuals served
- Number and type of referrals (such as prenatal care, WIC, contraceptive care, home visiting health care, substance use disorder treatment, tobacco cessation, insurance navigation, communicable disease intervention, housing assistance, other)
- Number of new partnerships created
- STATE-REQUIRED KPI: The county or organization must identify an opportunity to improve birth outcomes and implement an evidence-based or promising or activity to improve that birth outcome.
- QUARTERLY/YEARLY METRICS which will be required by grant awardees in Miami County for this KPI and service area include, but are not limited to:
- Number of unique individuals served
- Number and types of programs offered (such as prenatal care, substance use disorder treatment, tobacco cessation, insurance navigation, communicable disease intervention, chronic illness management, other) – this metric may be required depending on project/program