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American Rescue Plan Act

What is ARPA?

The American Rescue Plan Act, commonly known as ARP or ARPA, is a result of federal legislation designed to aid the country’s response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Coronavirus Local Fiscal Relief Funds, or CLFRF, are a product of ARPA and define the $1.28 billion given to Indiana’s communities. CLFRF are delivered to cities and counties directly and to nonentitlement units by way of the State in two tranches: the first was allocated in May, and the second will be delivered Spring 2022.

ARPA offers considerable freedom regarding spending abilities, outlining four broad categories of eligible expenditures:

  • To respond to the public health emergency and its economic impacts;
  • To replace lost government revenue, to the extent attributable to the pandemic;
  • To respond to workers performing essential work; and
  • To invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure.

It also provides special guidelines for Qualified Census Tracts and disproportionately harmed communities.

ARPA Toolkit

The ARPA Toolkit is based on the Final Rule. The final rule has been authorized to be placed in effect as of April 2022.

Click here to view the ARPA Toolkit.

The ARPA Toolkit provides the CLFRF guidelines enacted by ARPA, specifically tailored toward Indiana’s rural communities. Provided in the toolkit will be detailed acceptable uses of funds, suggested results-based action items, and worksheets to aid recipients through the reporting requirements. This page will be updated regularly to accommodate with the U.S. Treasury’s amendments, updates, and guidance.
