Program Requirements
- What are eligible project costs?
- Can the grant fund middle-mile only projects?
- What areas are eligible for grant funding?
- What is the maximum grant amount?
- Will certain types of technology receive preference?
- Will certain speed levels receive preference?
- When can providers address discrepancies on the address list, such as duplicates or previously awarded addresses?
- What should be done if a valid address is missing from the address data that OCRA has sent to counties and providers?
Project Area
- Are partial census blocks eligible?
- Does the project area need to be contiguous?
- What service addresses are ineligible?
- What census blocks are eligible for funding?
- What is the eligibility of service addresses that received a valid challenge in a previous round?
- If non-terrestrial providers are ineligible entities based on the “qualified broadband project” definition, will they be able to challenge census blocks?
- What version of the FCC Form 477 data is used in OCRA's dataset?
Letter of Intent
- Can a fixed wireless provider challenge at the address level?
- What challenge documentation is needed for a challenge evaluation?
- Does a Professional Engineer need to stamp/sign the technical specifications for a challenge submission?
- If a challenge is submitted for addresses where service can be deployed in 10 days, is there specific documentation that should be included to validate deployment plans?
- If a challenge is submitted for a planned deployment, is there specific documentation that should be included to validate construction plans?
- Are challenges based solely on the latest 477 data?
- How will an applicant be notified if any of the service addresses in the census blocks in their application are validly challenged?
- Will OCRA provide the names of the entities challenging address level data and census blocks?
- Will OCRA provide the challenger with a specific reason the challenge was deemed invalid?
- Will OCRA provide the address level data submitted by a challenger to the applicants?
- If an applicant includes a validly challenged service address or census block in their Full Application, will the Application be eliminated from the opportunity to receive a grant award?
- Will applicants be able to appeal a challenge decision?
- Will challengers be able to appeal an invalid challenge decision?
- Will the format and documents for the grant application be the same as Round 3?
- Can previous round applications be resubmitted, including census blocks that were considered ineligible for funding?
- What information should be included in a letter of need from residents, businesses, and community members?
- Are organizations applying for the grant allowed to either reference OCRA and Next Level Connections or utilize the logo in efforts to obtain community, business, and anchor institution support?
- Can an applicant utilize letters of support that were submitted in previous applications?
- What should the applicant provide for the Certificate of Territorial Authority?
- Is the value of a tax abatement considered to be local match?
- Can an applicant use its own employees to lay fiber and include that cost toward the grant amount?
- Is there a standardized survey that can be used to represent unserved areas? Are there specific questions that should be included in a survey?
- Does OCRA have a preferred speed test tool to gather end-user data?
- What level of detail is required for the application in terms of the network design?
- What are some examples of community support that an applicant can provide?
Competitive Application
- What is a passing?
- What is a terrestrial connection?
- What is a “unique project area” as stated in Section E. Limitation on Submissions?
- What does it mean that service could be “deployed in ten days”?
- What is the definition of “statistically significant survey data”?
- Can you clarify the definition of last mile and middle-mile?
Additional FAQ
- How will OCRA determine the results of conflicting speed tests?
- Will funded projects be required to pay prevailing wages?
- Will OCRA publish competitive challenges?
- Will any form of technology be prioritized?
- How does OCRA define minimum broadband internet for eligibility of addresses?
- What is the definition of eligible broadband internet for households and businesses?