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Pharmacy Questions

Program Questions

INSPECT's Statute is


What information is collected by INSPECT? 

An INSPECT report summarizes a patient's controlled substance prescription history. Each time ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or a controlled substance designated by the board under IC 35-48-2-5 through IC 35-48-2-10 is dispensed, the dispenser is required to submit the following information to INSPECT:
A. The patient's name.
B. The patient's or the patient representative's identification number.
C. The patient's date of birth.
D. The national drug code (NDC) number of the controlled substance dispensed.
E. The date the controlled substance is dispensed.
F. The quantity of the controlled substance dispensed.
G. The number of days of supply dispensed.
H. The dispenser's United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) registration number.
I. The prescriber's United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) registration number.
J. An indication as to whether the prescription was transmitted to the pharmacist orally or in writing.
K. Other information required by the Board of Pharmacy.

Who is required to submit  information to INSPECT?

As stipulated by IC 25-26-24-17, licensed dispensers throughout Indiana—and out-of-state (non-resident) pharmacies licensed to dispense drugs in Indiana—are required to submit controlled substance prescription data to INSPECT every twenty-four (24) hours. Prescription data submissions must be submitted through the PMP Clearinghouse.

Who is not required to submit information to INSPECT?

Each time a controlled substance is dispensed, the dispenser is required to transmit specific information to INSPECT. As stipulated by IC 25-26-24-3, the requirement does not apply to the following:

  1. A drug administered directly to the patient.
  2. A drug dispensed by a practitioner, if the quantity dispensed is not more than a seventy-two (72) hour supply of a controlled substance list4ed in schedule II, III, IV, or V as set forth in IC 35-48-3-9.

"Dispenser" defined
"Dispenser," for purposes of IC 35-48, has the meaning set forth in IC 35-48-1-13. However, the term does not include the following:

  1. A nurse registered or licensed under IC 25-23 or a medication aide who administers a controlled substance at the direction of a physician licensed under IC 25-22.5.
  2. A person who administers or dispenses a controlled substance ordered for a bona fide patient in a facility licensed under IC 16-28.
  3. A pharmacy licensed under IC 25-26-13 when it dispenses prescriptions ordered for bona fide enrolled patients in facilities licensed under IC 16-28.
  4. A practitioner who dispenses not more than a seventy-two (72) hour supply of a controlled substance listed in either schedule II, III, or IV as set forth in IC 35-48-7-2.9.

How do I know that my private medical information is secure?

A number of safeguards have been put in place to protect the confidentiality of patient medical information. All authorized users of the system must be registered and approved for access (See "Who is eligible to gain access to the information collected by INSPECT?"). And even after access to the system has been granted, a multitude of statutory restrictions still apply to ensure confidentiality of patients' medical records. For instance, a practitioner submitting a request for patient information must currently be providing medical or pharmaceutical treatment to the patient in question, or must be evaluating the need for such treatment. Likewise, members of the law enforcement community are only allowed to obtain private information in cases where an investigation dealing with controlled substances is already underway.

Who is eligible to gain access to the information collected by INSPECT?

  1. Health professionals who are licensed to prescribe or dispense controlled substances in the United States and who are actively and directly providing medical or pharmaceutical treatment, or evaluating the need for providing such treatment, to a patient
  2. Prescriber delegates who are approved and supervised by a registered prescriber to make patient requests on behalf of said supervisor.
  3. Law Enforcement, when an investigation involving an individual or proceeding involving the unlawful diversion or misuse of schedule II, III, IV or V controlled substances. The information obtained must assist in the active investigation
  4. Court staff and Probation Officers, in the course of completing a presentence investigation, in the course of determining eligibility or suitability for a program, service or community supervision condition, or in the course of case managing an individual pre- or post-conviction if the individual's conditions of supervision or program participation require they abstain from the use of controlled substances or undergo chemical testing to detect and confirm the presence of a controlled substance.
  5. Attorney General's Office, if they are involved in an investigation, adjudication, or a prosecution regarding a violation of state/federal laws concerning controlled substances
  6. Licensing Boards engaged in an investigation of a licensee

What constitutes a "Practitioner" in Indiana?

IC 25-26-24-11 defines a practitioner as, "…a physician, dentist, veterinarian, podiatrist, nurse practitioner, scientific investigator, pharmacist, hospital, or any other institution or individual licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted to distribute, dispense or conduct research with respect to, or administer a controlled substance in the course of professional practice or research in the United States."

What prescription drugs does INSPECT monitor?

The INSPECT program monitors all prescriptions for ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and controlled substances. "Controlled Substance" has the meaning set forth in IC 35-48-1-9. The term includes gabapentin. Click here for a list of the drugs as described in the Federal Controlled Substances Act.

Am I permitted to share INSPECT information?

Practitioners are permitted to include an INSPECT report in a patient's file. By virtue, a patient is now allowed access to his or her own report if it is in the medical file. Patients are still not permitted an INSPECT account.

What if a patient says the INSPECT Rx Report is wrong and the information is falsely attributed to them?

First, review the Patient Key to ensure there is not more than one individual on the report, and that the report has not combined information on the patient with that of another individual. Secondly, confirm any prescriptions of concern by contacting the dispensing pharmacy. The dispensing pharmacy will have the hard copy record of the original prescription and should be able to answer questions regarding the prescription. The pharmacy can also verify the patient's information for you. For example, the pharmacy may have a different address on file for the patient and/or a different spelling of the patient's name.

If the patient contests the information on the report and believes that it is an error, please have your patient contact the pharmacies appearing on the report. 

It is the responsibility of the patient to obtain their prescription records from each dispensing pharmacy in order to determine that an error has been made at the pharmacy level.

The dispensing pharmacy must then contact the INSPECT program and submit in writing the pharmacy's identifier (DEA or NABP), the prescription number in question, the fill date on record, the patient's full name and date of birth, and any information that must be corrected.

Sometimes, when I query a patient in INSPECT, the system fails to return any results. Why does this occur?

  1. If your search criteria could not be matched to any patient records, a message is displayed indicating that no matching patient could be identified. OR
  2. If your search criteria matches a patient record but the patient has no prescriptions within the specified timeframe, a message is displayed indicating that the patient was found but no prescriptions were found.
  3. Click Change Date Range to return to the Patient Request page, enter a different date range and re-run the report.

Notes: if Partial Search was not originally selected, you can click the Partial Search checkbox to expand your search results. You can also enter additional demographic information, such as a ZIP code, to perform a fuzzy search.


How do I register for an INSPECT account?

To become an authorized PMP user, you must first apply for and obtain approval for access. Please go to the INSPECT PDMP login page and click on Create an Account. INSPECT staff will review and approve the application within 3 business days.

How do I reset my password?

You can use the self reset function at anytime by clicking on the Reset Password link located on the login screen.

What characters must I use in my password?

Passwords must contain:

  • At least eight (8) characters
  • At least one (1) uppercase letter
  • At least one (1) lowercase letter
  • At least one (1) number
  • At least one (1) special character (!, @, #, $, etc.)

Where can I find a list of opioid prescribing and opioid abuse continuing education courses?

Pharmacy Questions

Why do I need a NABP #?

An NABP number is a unique, national identifier and a practical requirement to report to INSPECT. The NABP number is used to catalogue information in the INSPECT database.

How do I get an NABP number and is it like the NCPDP number?

A NCPDP number is formally known as a NABP number. You can apply for a NABP/NCPDP number by visiting the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) website here

How often do I have to report to INSPECT?

Pharmacy compliance is twofold. First, submission of controlled substance data must occur within twenty-four (24) hours of dispensation. Second, submissions must occur every twenty-four (24) hours (or next business day). If your facility dispenses less than one (1) controlled substance prescription on a given day, you must submit a zero report.

How often do I have to zero report to INSPECT?

A zero report must be submitted every twenty-four (24) hours for a retail pharmacy, or every thirty (30) days for a hospital (Type II) pharmacy The reporting frequency may be subjected to change.

For hospital (Type II) pharmacies, if a controlled substance is dispensed that is equal to or less than a 72-hour supply, that information does NOT have to be reported to INSPECT and the hospital can continue submitting zero reports. However, if a controlled substance is dispensed that exceeds the 72-hour supply, that prescription must be reported to the INSPECT program within twenty-four (24) business hours. The hospital may then submit zero reports to cover the time period in which no controlled substances were dispensed, and should bracket the reporting of the controlled substance dispensation.

Example: A single 5-day supply of Hydrocodone is dispensed by a hospital pharmacy on Feb. 9, exceeding the 72-hour supply. The pharmacy must report the Rx for 2/9 within 24-hours of dispensing the medication to the patient. On the first business day following the end of the month, the hospital should submit a zero report for 2/1 - 2/8,  then another zero report to cover 2/10 - 2/28.   

My facility stocks but does not distribute in Indiana, do I have to report to INSPECT?

If a facility stocks controlled substances but does not dispense to Indiana residents, a zero report is required to be submitted monthly. 

If I am exempt, do I have to report to INSPECT?

If a facility does not stock controlled substances in Indiana and does not dispense controlled substances to Indiana residents, they may request an exemption. Exempt facilities will not be required to report to INSPECT. This could be subjected to change.

Facilities requesting an exemption must email:

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